It has been a little over two years since we adopted Annie and Eddie. Hard to believe, isn’t’ it? It seems like it should only be a few months but time passes by quickly. From the first time we saw the kittens in their cage waiting for us to finish their paperwork to bring them home, they have remained best friends.
Like all cats, they spend part of the day doing their own thing but they never seem to stray too far from one another. They are usually in the same room, where they can at least see each other. Then at some point in the day, they curl up together and take a nap.
The photo above was taken a few days ago while I was working at my desk. Annie and Eddie often take an afternoon snooze just off to my left on the desk. When I looked over at them, I saw they were sound asleep holding each others paws.
Seeing the two of them together and happy washes the stress of the day away. You can’t help but relax seeing them snuggled together.
Later in the day after dinner, they usually hang out together on the sofa slanket that Gracey loved so much.
If for some reason, they go their separate ways, it isn’t for long before we hear a little chirping noise while they call for one another. It doesn’t take long for them to reunite, usually with one pouncing on the other and a couple of laps around the house before they settle back down.
We are so lucky we were able to adopt Annie and Eddie. They help make our house a home.
Magic Man and Bandit are my bestie brofurs, but we does not cuddle. We are mancats so we just lay near each other. I do sometimes cuddle with Sister Wolf or even my meowmy, Cherokee. Annie and Eddie are so sweet together. Sending them both headbumps and whisker rubs. xoxoxo Dancer and the SDR Clan
You are indeed fortunate to have the love of Annie and Eddie! And yes, cats are FOREVER family. I work for forever loving homes for cats in the NYACC, and try to educate people to that truth. Cats are FAMILY, not “pets” and they share life with us; they are not “owned”!
annie & eddie….total lee awesum ~~~ knot a lot oh two gether time round heer frank lee…..thiz iz nice ta see ???
They truly adore each other. I love that! The holding paws photo is lovely. They do so improve our lives, now don’t they?
How nice that they are such pals! My human wishes we kitties were a little cozier together – but you know, the way things are now works for us!
They are so incredibly sweet! Wish my guy was fond of other animals… I think he’d benefit greatly from feline companionship. But alas, he’s never liked other animals and now is a grumpy older kitteh to boot! 😉 Thanks for sharing the pics!
So so cute!!!!