Eddie is an effective communicator with his soft, high pitched meow.
The Catterbox Cat Collar Translates Meows Into Words
The Temptations Lab™ was established in 2015 to understand our cats better and have a bit of fun as well. They created a place where imaginative and whimsical ideas are brought to life. The first project uses the latest technology in an attempt to allow us to better understand our cats’ meows.
Studies show that adult cats meow when talking to humans, not to each other. The group of researches identified different frequencies of meows and then began to associate the meows to emotions, requests or other general responses. Then, the team created a program that is able to detect a distinct cat’s meow and match it to a human voice.
Next, they put this technology inside a sleek 3D printed collar which connects seamlessly to the app where you can choose your cat’s new voice.

Image from Temptations Lab
Catterbox- The World’s First Talking Cat Collar
You can see more of the world’s first talking cat collar in this short video.
What do you think about the talking cat collar?
I don’t think I would be keen on attaching a collar with a voice to Annie, Eddie or Mercy. And to be honest, I don’t think they would like it at all. In fact, I think the expressions on their faces in the image below might be all the translation one would need. What do you think?

Annie and Eddie
uh no..
I want to hear more about this. First of all, is this for real?
guys….we due knot like traditional collars, we iz 100 purrcent …total lee… pawsitive lee …..sure…..we wood knot like thiz….. { awesum foto annie & eddie } ??? and we iz definitely sure….they wont have a “speeker oh trout ……az part oh that app !! 🙂
Yeah, I like my kitty voice and language the way it is. Plus my human doesn’t need any more silly gadgets.
I’d be much more inclined to support that company if it was spending on improving a product which cats everywhere love, but which makes many, many cats VERY sick. As for putting a massive collar on a cat, NO. Just NO. People who truly love cats and who take the time necessary with them know what they are saying. Sherri H, Mona, and I are three of those people, obviously 😉
Emma and I speak the same language, especially in the morning. She is a real talker, and we “mreaouw” back and forth while I make her breakfast. And that pic of Annie and Eddie is BeYOND CUtE! They are such wonderful models. <3
In theory it’s a cute idea, but in reality, my crew would make this human pay dearly if I even considered strapping that thing on them. The collar itself appears bulky and cumbersome, it doesn’t look comfortable at all. I dare say that my crew has me well trained, enough that a translator isn’t needed.