My Cat on the Red Carpet experience was exciting but also super packed full of activity. I only had a few spare moments on my recent trip to Beverly Hills, so I decided to stroll around with my press pass to take a peak behind the scenes at the Kodak Theatre. It looked like everything was in order at the theater so I decided to head down to the street
My first stop was Grauman’s Chinese Theatre where I was greeted by none other than Cat Woman. She was super happy to see me too and wanted to have her photo take with me. She was really nice and even gave me a kiss in the top of my head.
There was a lot of activity taking place because of Oscar week. People were busy getting bleachers set up for viewing the stars and the roads surrounding the venue had already been closed off.
I made my way down the Hollywood Walk of Fame to see if I could find a couple of my favorite celebrities. It didn’t take me long to sniff out one of my all time favorites Godzilla. I had a bit of fun posing by the star and I was sure getting a lot of looks from passers by too.
It didn’t take anytime to find another one of my favorite celebrities just a short distance away from Godzilla’s star.
When I was posing for my photo with the Mickey Mouse star a lot of people stopped to take my picture too. I don’t know why. When Joan Rivers heard all the commotion she summonsed me over for an interview. I was a little shy at first but she seemed to like me.
Joan asked me which designer I had chosen for the Red Carpet Cat Event and I told her that my favorite designer was Mother Nature. Then she asked my why I chose Mother Nature and I told her because she is the most versatile and adaptable designer with timeless elegance. Joan said I was a natural on camera. She wished me luck in my mission to help all cats big and small.
Next thing I knew I was being interviewed by Mary Hart of Entertainment Tonight. She asked me what my pick was to win the Oscar for best motion picture and I told her that my instinct was telling me The Artist would win even though there was a dog in the movie and not a cat. I told her it was important to care for all animals big and small. She was super nice too and I asked her if I could be excused.
There were a lot of people and I was getting a little nervous so I headed over to the bleachers where I could see but not be seen as easily. That is just how a tiger, even The Tiniest Tiger likes it. After I watched the activity for a few minutes it was time to head over to set up for the Red Carpet Cat Event. On my way back I was super surprised to find one new star had been added to the Hollywood Walk of Fame.
what a fabulous trip! & super happy to see you got your very own star on the walk of fame!! you deserve it! very happy about your new hipster bag too! telling all my friends (especially mommies) to grab one! (LOVE that ‘cat quilting’-nice touch!)
Wow, you are the star of the red carpet!
You are a shining star!
Gracey, you rocked the Red Carpet!!
Thank you Sharon!
What fun!
And it was for a good cause too!
I wish I could have been there with you, Gracey. Looks like you had a wonderful time. I love your STAR too 🙂 You definitely deserve it! ConCATulations Gracey!
Thank you Elizabeth!! xox
Wow, Gracey! What an adventure you had! And now you have your own star! I feel so honored to be your friend! I <3 you!
I feel honored to be your friend too Sherree! xoxo
The red carpet will never be the same!!!!! Gracey, you must promise to be there every year!!! You give the red carpet some badly needed class!!!!!!~
I gave the red carpet a good scratch! hahahhaha. I will be back for the Emmy’s. xoxo
Definitely the best dressed on the red carpet! *Standing ovation*
Thank you so much. Mother Nature does a great job. xoxo
🙂 So cute! Your own star!!! I love it!!! xoxox
Thank you Janet! Now you must get Maggie a star too. xoxo