Eddie and Annie on the Counter
Yesterday when I walked out of the office, I caught Eddie and Annie up on the island counter top. Annie was focused on the bird feeder outside the front window. Eddie seemed to be taking his turn at keeping guard.
It didn’t take but a few seconds for Annie to realize I was watching them. She looks at Eddie to see if he was paying attention and as if to ask him why he didn’t give her a warning sign.
Annie tells Eddie that if they are really still maybe I won’t see them. I ask them, “What’s going on?” in a pleasant friendly voice. Eddie looks down as if he is just a bit ashamed of being caught on the counter. Annie sits up straight and looks me straight in the eye. She tilts her head a little and I think she said, “Oh hi. Just hanging out on the counter watching some birds.”
Mercy Asks, Are you kidding me?
Mercy looks at me like….Are you kidding me? They are going to get away with this? I tell Mercy, of course, just like you get away with it when you think I am not looking.
It ‘s nothing that disinfectant can’t take care of. There are a lot of things to worry about, we will just have to let this go. Fair trade for all the love and joy the three of them bring into our lives every day.