Remember to care for all earth’s creatures, big and small.
Friends, with all the travel to and from, I didn’t get the chance to post my last in the series Gracey & The Pope.
On my last day with the Pope, we sat quietly in the garden. There surrounded by nature, the Pope reminded me of the most important thing that any living being can do. And that is simply this;
Remember to care for all earth’s creatures, big and small.
At first this seems super easy to do doesn’t it? But then as we go about our everyday lives, sometimes we just can’t fit into our busy schedules the time to care for the others that cross our path. It doesn’t always have to be a grand gesture. Sometimes it is just taking the time to say hello, or give a gentle pat on the head.
When I returned from Rome, I went to visit the garden at the Rectory near my home. While enjoying the butterflies and birds, a little cousin came for a visit. She must have known that this was a feline friendly garden because she came to rest
alongside the walkway.
While she was resting, Fr. Jim came walking by. When he saw our little cousin resting, he took the time to stop and say hello, and then extended his hand to give a gentle and loving pat on the head.
This made me feel warm and happy. I wish that everyone would stop and say hello, and just take a moment to offer a gentle and loving pat on the head to all of our cousins in need. It doesn’t need to be a grand gesture, but just a small act of kindness.You could also do this with fellow humans, maybe not the pat on the head, but a small act of kindness, even a smile. One of the best things about the message the Pope gave to me in the garden, is that the message is timeless. Thank you for being my friend.
Awww Gracey, so sweet, and wonderful advice!!! I will try to remember this every day! xoxox
Being kind to all creatures great & small includes keeping them off your plates, Pope. The suffering that animals endure in factory farms & on slaughterhouse killing floors probably wasn’t part of any divine master plan.