Today the Pope was very interested in catching up on the latest social media trends. He had a lot of questions for me about Facebook because he knows that I chat with my Friends via The Tiniest Tiger’s Facebook page.
I told him that we all care for cats big and small, and he reminded me that we must care for all earth’s creatures. I assured him that we do care for all living beings. Then I got a nice scratch behind my ears.
You can also follow the Vatican News on twitter. I don’t know why but when I think about the Cardinals tweeting it makes me laugh.
The Pope has a lot of people offering up their advice. I don’t know how he can sort it all out. There is a lot of information in the digital world and in the printed material world too. I was getting sleepy listening to so many different topics. I was afraid that I was going to yawn and I didn’t want to give off the appearance that I was bored or tired, but I really was tired. Here you can see me doing my best to hold back a yawn. Did you yawn just now when you read that I was trying not to yawn? That can happen. Thankfully, shortly after this photo was taken, we made a break for it, I mean we excused ourselves to go outside for a walk. Super Hurrah! Fresh air here I come. I wonder if they have a fig tree in the Vatican gardens?
Whoops, I got too excited and got ahead of Pope Benedict. He didn’t get upset with me though. He is really patient.
My story will continue on July 14! xoxoxo Gracey
Hi Gracey,
I just wanted to make sure you’re aware that you are a nominee in the category of Best Cat Blog for the 2nd Annual Petties. I wanted to send you a nominee badge to place on your site and some other information, so if you can send me an email at christina(at)dogtimemedia(dot)com I will be happy to get you all the information.
Congratulations on your nomination by your fellow bloggers and I look forward to hearing from you soon!
Christina Kwan
Senior Product and Marketing Manager
DogTime Media, Inc.
Cardinal’s tweeting 🙂 That is so funny Gracey!