Welcome to Gracey, The Tiniest Tiger’s Habitat.
Gracey’s habitat is shared with her pet parents, Joanne and Paul and with her best friends, Bad Kitty and Lazy Leopard. Gracey also has an unlikely friendship with Bossy Backyard Blue Jay.
The Tiniest Tiger’s days are spent getting in and out of mischief. Bad Kitty spends his days in the corner of the office. He is Gracey’s go-to cat for advice and doing the right things. Lazy Leopard resides in the sunroom, and is an instigator of mischief. The Sunroom is Gracey’s favorite room of the habitat. Here she has a row of windows that are built just the right size for her to preside over the back yard. From this “bird’s eye” view she can keep an eye out for her buddy Bossy Backyard Blue Jay (BBBJ). One might think that a cat and a bird are not likely to be Friends, but Gracey considerers BBBJ to be one of her best buddies.
Some days are spent helping her mom in the office. While in the office, Gracey must try to avoid the temptation to attack the office cactus. Sometimes the impulse is too strong and she gets redirected out of the office to spend time with Lazy Leopard. On a good day, she curls up to help her mom write from her “thinking circle”. The two write about cats, both big and small, as well as children’s books and are currently researching an interesting book about tigers.
When Gracey needs a break from the office, she heads out to her heated “thinking circle” in the sunroom where she can plan her next activity.
The Tiniest Tiger’s days are filled with wonder and adventure as she explores the world through the unique eyes of a domestic short haired feline. Gracey’ message is to remind everyone to care for all creatures both big and small.
The Tiniest Tiger’s Conservation Cub Club posts are a mix of Gracey and her Friends adventures, big cat conservation, domestic cat topics, new product reviews, and donation events for cat shelters and big cat sanctuaries. The Tiniest Tiger has donated over $27,000 to cat charities, including PurrEver Ranch Sanctuary, and Big Cat Rescue. We hope you enjoy the time you spend with us.
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