Cat and Human Friendly Spaces
I am willing to bet that your home is like ours. I bet your little ones influence the items you choose for your living space. Sometimes Paul and I wonder how a little seven pound cat took over our home, but the truth is, we adore Gracey, as you might have already guessed. If we are not vigilant, Gracey’s items begin to take over our living space.
When we moved a few years ago, we made sure that our new space would be cat friendly. This took some planning and we endured some interesting looks from the contractors. We were even told that he wanted to be the cat that lived in our home. You will find helpful suggestions for moving to and exploring a new neighborhood with your pet, whether you are living, looking or moving, Apartment Guide will point you in the right direction.
Thankfully there are many great choices in furnishing to keep both your cat and you happy and living in style. We chose the Cat Power Tower for added vertical space for Gracey to climb and play without sacrificing style. If you are in need of more help, the folks at Apartment Guide also have lots of tips for bringing a new pet into your apartment and helping them adjust to your home. And if you are looking of a new space to move with your pet, Apartment Guide has the photos, floor plans, features and tips to help you search for the perfect pet-friendly apartment community.
We know how important it is to create and maintain a space that is both cat and human friendly. When you need some tips on how to keep your new or current space it is nice to have a resource at your fingertips to guide you along the way. Make sure you “Like” Apartment Guide on Facebook, tweet at them @AptGuideon Twitter, “circle” them on Google+and follow them on Pinterest for real-time tips and updates on how to make the most of your small space.
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Apartment Guide and owner Consumer Source, Inc. partner with bloggers such as me to participate in blogger programs. As part of that program, I received compensation. They did not tell me what to purchase or what to say about any products and believe that consumers and bloggers are free to form their own opinions and share them in their own words. Consumer Source’s policies align with WOMMA Ethics Code, FTC guidelines and social media engagement recommendations.
I am always looking for new things for my kitties. I think my cat’s play things/climbers are taking over the house too, LOL. I love Gracey’s cat climber.
We are lucky to have more options for vertical and other enriched spaces for cats these days.
I think our house is pretty *cat purrfect*. They have lots of places to stay up high, including their PAWsome Cat Power Tower. And they also like the fact they can go completely through the house without ever turning back (of course it can turn into quite the speedway at times). They also have their *stuff* in every room! Guess you could say they *own* it. Have a great weekend Gracey. xoxoxo