Happy Tuesday Friends! Look to the left. Now to the right. Which is the Lion. Take your time. Look to the left. Now to the right. This is like an eye exam isn’t it? If you think you see an E, you better refill your thinking beverage, or take a nap, or both. There is no hurry. This photo will…
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Cincinnati Zoo Goes Green. Wins Energy Star Award!
[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=edYzIbZaZEU&feature=player_embedded[/youtube] The Tiniest Tiger’s Conservation Cub Club is super proud of the Cincinnati Zoo! Cincinnati Zoo Accepts 2010 Stars of Energy Efficiency Award in Washington DC on September 15, 2010 and is also proclaimed as the Greenest Zoo in America!! Super Hurrah! Purr it up for the Cincinnati Zoo! What can you do in your habitat to go a little…
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Tigers in Distress! Will You Help?
If Tigers are to survive in the wild, they need massive human intervention! Friends, Our Friend John Vaillant, author of The Tiger asked me, Gracey The Tiniest Tiger to help spread the word about this very important initiative to save our Big Cat cousins, the Tigers. Wild tigers are on the verge of becoming extinct in the wild. And that…
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Tiger Teeth
Happy Tiger Imitation Tuesday. This imitation of mine proved quite difficult for most of you. I am taking the opportunity to show you my Tiger Teeth Imitation so you can try again. I know, I wish I could help you out a little more because our teeth look exactly the same, don’t they? And our chins, and whiskers, and even…
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The Tiniest Tiger on Meditation
Friends, sometimes there is too much stress in our lives. Stress can stalk you or it can pounce on you out of the blue. Today, Lazy Leopard and I have decided to take it easy. We are going to meditate and soak up some sunshine. Even though we have a lot of things to do, we think it is important…
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Lions Soaking Up the Sunshine!
Good Morning Sunshine! I meant that for the sun and for all of my Friends that brighten my day! Now that the morning air is a little crisp and there is a gentle breeze, I couldn’t help but think about our big cousin Joseph at Big Cat Rescue. Now I know, you can’t tell the difference between Joseph and me,…
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The Tiniest Tiger is Wondering Will You Take the Guilty Poll?
Friends, I am a little upset, not a lot, but just a little. Nobody seemed concerned that I was accused of breaking my mom’s favorite piece of green pottery. Nobody even mentioned it. Do you think that I broke the pottery too even though there is overwhelming evidence in the story pointing to the raccoon? So now as I enter…
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Gracey and the Raccoon Encounter!
Once upon a time, I lived in another habitat with my older sister Hazel and my mom and dad. Hazel tolerated me being around, even though I don’t think she was ever that fond of me before the break-in. I sure liked her being around because she wasn’t afraid of anything, not a bug or a ~shiver~ spider not even…
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The Tiniest Tiger’s CCC Sponsors Tiger Haven’s Bianca!
Friends, I am super excited to tell you that our Conservation Cub Club has just sponsored Bianca, a Tiger at Tiger Haven. Your support by purchasing great products you need from Gracey’s Avon for Animals enabled our The Tiniest Tiger’s Conservation Cub Club to sponsor Bianca! I thought that it was appropriate that the purchases of Avon’s beauty products helped…
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The Tiniest Tiger’s Thinking Thursday!
[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8rAbCpgAOII[/youtube] Friends, I suggest watching this video in full screen mode. Turn up your volume a little too. Take two minutes to Think about Tigers! Share
The Smart Cat Box. Saves Money Too!
Hi Friends! It has been 16 weeks now that I have been using the Smart Cat Box. Now I typically don’t like to discuss my litter pan issues but I think this is important information to share with you. You might remember that we had a discussion about To Clump or Not to Clump? In this discussion we talked about…
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The Tiniest Tiger’s Whoops! Wednesday
Congratulations to Haley and Jan! You are The Tiniest Tiger’s Whoops! Wednesday Winners! Everyone that posted a comment was entered. The winners were chosen by a random number generator! My mom and I are both left pawed so I bet we will have another Whoops! Wednesday in the future. You know the ink sort of smears…things like that. Thank you…
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The Tiniest Tiger Tuesday Tiger Imitaion!
Welcome Friends to The Tiniest Tiger Tuesday Tiger Imitation! I thought about giving you a little time off after you were trying so hard to figure out Whoops! Wednesday. There were some pretty good guesses, but sadly, none of them were even close. Don’t worry though, you will see tomorrow when Whoops! Wednesday arrives. In the mean time, try to …
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