Friends, those leaves are too high for me to reach. I know if I leap, I will make too much noise and get redirected into the house and the sunrrom will be off limits to me. That would be a shame on such a sunny day. I better try my best to enjoy the dirt and watch out the window.
While enjoying the sunshine, I figured out that I didn’t have to leap into the air to get the leaves, but that I could bend the limb of the fig tree bringing the leaves down to me. This was genious, if I don’t say so myself. The most tender leaf is still a little bit too high, so I will just have to tug a little harder.
OH MY! Friends, I went too far! I pulled too hard and I broke the branch. Oh sadness. My fig tree. What have I done. Uh oh….I hear my mom too. I am so going to be redirected. ~heavy sigh~ I didn’t mean to hurt the tree.
Friends, this is me, Gracey The Tiniest Tiger heading inside for my Time Out. I deserve it this time, I really do.
Gracey, we all make mistakes. But you know what the neat thing about parents is? They love you, and they forgive you. If they didn’t love you, they wouldn’t discipline you. You are a much loved kitty.
Peggi, I deserved the time out today. I sure didn’t mean to break that branch.
We all know you didn’t Gracey! I know sometimes it’s hard to understand when you get disciplined, but if our parents didn’t love us, they would not put us in time out to think about our actions. My son thinks we’re too strict with him sometimes, but I tell him that we are teaching him to be trustworthy, so when he becomes a teenager, we can let him do things and trust him and not worry as much. Maybe your parents are doing the same thing?
A fig branch will more than likely grow back, and you will have learned your lesson, so there maybe won’t be a next time!
Ohhhhhhhhhhhh Gracey! GURL, your taters are gonna get crunched! Now go give your momma big hug and say sorry… Stop listening to Bad Kitty! Love ya much!
What are these taters that I get to crunch?
Poor little Gracey!~That is just the way temptation is sometimes…gets the best of all of us now and then! I still love you! (I’m sure your mom and dad do too!)
oh Gracey,my Whisper is as mischievious as you are,i do love him…time out…hum never have try this b4…
Jone, Please do not tell Whisper that you got the idea for a time out from me. 😉
O Gracey you did it this time but remember with a little time the tree will grow back and then you can play gently again I hope your time out is not to long its a beautiful day and you didn’t mean to hurt the tree Goog Luck
Do you think the tree will be ok?
Oh no! Poor tree! You were quite a little rascal there, Gracey! 🙂
I know, my poor fig tree. I hope it will be ok. I did get a little carried away.