Purr it up for Janet Vandenabeele!
Janet won the $300 Gracey’s Avon Gift Box
Purr it up for Andrea Staten too!
Andrea won the Outspoken by Fergie gift set!
The winners were drawn by a random number generator!
Friends! I want to ask you to ROAR! Toot your own horn! Or as our Friend Josie says, (and I am not sure why!), Fluff your own goat!! In other words, tell me how you
Speak Out For Animals!!
We are celebrating everything that you do to care for all of Earth’s Creatures both big and small!
I want to hear from everyone, no matter what you do, whether you feed a feral colony or you take your Cat to the ~shiver~ Vet for a check up!
Every Friend that leaves a comment telling us how you support animals, here on our The Tiniest Tiger’s Conservation Cub Club will be entered to win:
Outspoken by Fergie 4 Piece Gift Set
Fergie’s New Fragrance is bold and daring.
Inspiring you to express the real you and the world will listen!
Be Outspoken! Say it like you mean it!
Every Friend that leaves a comment here on our The Tiniest Tiger’s Conservation Cub Club and places an order at my Gracey’s Avon for Animals E-Pawty will be entered to win the Outspoken by Fergie 4 Piece Gift Set but will also be entered to win:
$300.00 worth of Avon Products!
I will be adding items to my Gracey’s Avon for Animals Give Away Box so stop by and check out all the great products you can win! Hurrah!
Here is the first item I put in the box!
We Cats are just naturally good looking. Our fur is always under control. My mom’s hair is not as well behaved as mine. Don’t tell her that I told you. So because it is still hot and humid around my habitat, and maybe yours too, I have added Lotus Shield to the gift box.
Many people tell me that I have pretty eyes. Some say that my gooseberry green eyes might be my best feature. So I decided to toss in a Super Shock Mascara into the Gracey’s Avon for Animals Gift Box Give Away
I know you would like your skin to be as soft as my fur, so I have just added Skin So Soft’s Mineral Gems Luminous Pearl Body Wash!
Sometimes your paws start to feel a little rough, so I am adding the Foot Works Lavender Clay Mask to the box.
How do you like my 2nd ad?
Today I am adding ANEW Clinical Thermafirm
Today I am adding Solutions a.m. and Solutions p.m. skin care to the box!
I am adding the Skin So Soft Diamond Blush
Body Wash
Body Scrub
Gelled Body Oil
Body Lotion
& the Pretty Pink Mesh Bag!
I am adding Eternal Magic to the Give Away Box.
Oohhh, it is purple and smells good too.
The rest of the items will be a surprise for the winner!
Leave your comment telling us what you do to care for all animals both big and small!
Check out my Graceys’ Avon for Animals E-Pawty and get entered to win my
Gracey’s Avon for Animals Give Away Box!
Please share this event with your Friends! Ask them to tell us how they
I try to help the animals every day in some way. I help my daughter run a cat rescue with a special focus on disabled cats. I work with the elderly cats who are very frightened when we receive them. I work with them one on one, and I eventually win their trust and show them unconditional love. I’m passionate about helping animals, and I actually like them more than most people.
I don’t do alot and I know I should do more but I do what I can. All my cats are strays. Who ever comes to my door, I try and do the best I can for them. I leave food and water out for any strays (there are a few). I feel, whether you believe in evolution or creation, the animals were here first, the should be saved!
As I was growing up, I helped take care of many beloved pets. They all hold a special place in my heart, but the one that gives me the most joy is Katie the cat. She showed up on our property one day. She eventually warmed up to Mom and to me. She feared our dogs, but one winter day she ran into the house. Mom had found a litter of two kittens belonging to her a few days prior, and moved them into the garage. She looked at us as if to say, “Well, aren’t you going to help?” So Dad went out and brought them in. They got warmed up, and after that the family stayed with us. She has since passed, but I will never forget that day.
I’m a vegan. I don’t use nor do I eat any animal products. I belong to Animal Rights Coalition where we’re working to end the suffering of abuse and exploitation of non-human animals through education,activistim and intervention. I’ve seen to many animals from puppy mills and the lasting effects it has on these poor little babies. The organazation I support finds these rescued babies loving foster homes until their forever homes are found. I cannot and will not sit down for abuse or neglect of any kind. We have to be the voice for these innocent babies that can’t protect themselves and show them love and compassion that they may have never had before. They need to know humans that love them and not hurt them. There are so many people across this nation that drive state to state to safely deliver these babies to safe rescue agencies so they can be taken care of and loved by a foster family until they find their forever home. My heart hurts for these babies and I weep daily for them BUT as much as I may weep I KNOW there are SO many wonderful people loving and rescuing and taking care of so many animals and for that my heart sings!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m mommy to a wonderful furball named Kringle and he is the MOST spoiled and loved kitty. I’m also gramma to 2 amazing chiuaua’s Mr Eko and Pretty who are also loved and cherished. These fur babies bring so much joy to our lives!!!!!!
Oh Gracey, there is really alot that we do to help out the animals! I have bid on Tiny Timmy auctions & won & I click & click for others to win contests to help their causes, not to mention our 12 cats & 1 dog we rescued. Also a dog that we didnt know, paid for all his vet bills, over $1600 to help him out, since his owner didnt care that he was hit by a car & left him in their back yard to suffer. His foot and leg were bigger than a grapefruit! WE thought they would have to amputate, but we saved the leg & he is a happy dog, now living with a good friend of mine. We couldnt keep him, since he is a lab & needs room to run! He is happy & healthy now after 6 months of treatments and a daily trip to the vet to change his wraps on his leg & foot!
OOPS…forgot that, sign every petition i can to protect animals, of course concentrating on cats…just signed one to the governor of NJ to not consider feral/stray/outdoor cats to be “exotic” animals and therefore, giving people the right under the law to kill them. That just broke my heart, and i do sign others, to save nearly extinct whales, etc. But yes, what we can do on facebook to help cats in particular is beyond anything I imagined. I am so glad I can help here and it is so very easy, if just everyone would take the little bit of time out of their day to make these special little lives breathe easier ? Sorry, Gracie, an afterthought…THANK YOU for holding this contest, I do have a local “Avon Lady” and no credit/debit card or I would most definately buy products from you….you are doing so much to help these little ones, I commend you!!
I try to do so much…take great care of our babies (3) cats…naturally take them to the vet for check ups. Feed a homeless family of cats living under a porch next door.
Always post cats/kittens from blind cat rescue needing a home to my wall; asking other f.b. friends to share also, vote 3 times a day for the pepsi refresh everything contest to build a life time care shelter for cats with Leukemia and Aids…made a contribution to NEPA (TNR) spay/neuter/release program, make contributions to the Scranton Animal Association (low cost/income based spay-neuter program in Scranton,PA)…that’s about all I can think of for now. Just joined a few days back, the Tiniest Tiger group and if there’s anything there I can help with, please know that I will. I LOVE CATS/KITTENS ?
Hi Gracey! As a bellydance performer and instructor, I help spread the word about pressing animal rights issues. I even wear “Adopt a Kitty” shirts when teaching. 🙂 I’m a member of several animal rights groups including ASPCA, HSUS and Sea Shepherds. My family and I currently own 17 cats, 8 of which were strays (5 more would have been born in the wild, if we hadn’t rescued momma cat). All our kitties are healthy and well..spoiled hehe.
Hi gracey from big d and cookie..We are two rescue kittys…as far as we can tell we are brothers and love each other dearly.
Really my cats have given back tenfold for everything I have done for cats. Simon and Cattail both came from the euthanasia room at the municipal shelter. They are always waiting at the door when I get home from work. They are always happy to see me and show me they love me.
Every cat who came into my rescue was “on the list”. They are all special cats who made someone’s life being better by being it. I currently work as a vet tech at a no kill cat shelter and spend time after work petting the cats and socializing the shy ones so they can find their forever homes. Thanks to the Tiniest Tiger I have been able to cross post cats all over the country because you never know who might see a picture and fall in love. Thank you Gracey for helping homeless cats.
My other mission in life is protecting cats from Vaccine Associated Sarcoma, a cancer that cats get from vaccines. It killed my cat BC who was the foster daddy for all the kitties in my rescue. I want to make sure other cats’ parents know there are guidelines for proper vaccinations protocols. I help with a support group for parents of cats with this awful cancer.
I am very lucky to have cats in my life. They give me direction and make my time here mean something.
One of the best days of my life was my visit to Big Cat Rescue. I got to see all the big cats there and also met some little cats who have been given sanctuary there. I was proud to say I was part of the Tiniest Tiger Conservation Club.
I have two beautiful fur babies (cats), and I sign as many animal rights petitions as I can! Animal rights is one of my biggest passions!
When I had to put my 12 year old black cat Ambrosia to sleep back in 2002 I thought I would not get another cat. My co-workers had enough of me after 1 month and said we are taking you to get another cat. So went to PetSmart because NCISN (North Central Indiana Spay & Neuter) have a no-kill shelter and they have cats. I went into the room and said hello to all the kitties and Ali looked right at me and meowed. I held my hand up to her and she licked my fingers. Well the shelter lady let me hold her and I scratched her between her ears and she started purring. She was sprung and came home that very day. Here it is in 2010 and she is queen of the apartment. I tell everyone to adopt shelter pets. I donate to HSUS and the ASPCA whenever I can. Having a cat as a pet is crucial to my mental health. If it weren’t for her I don’t know if I would have made it through some really tough times.
For our very first pets, my husband and I adopted two ten-year old cats from the local humane society. Sadly, one died shortly after, but the other won was with us for six wonderful years. I will never regret adopting older kitties and would do it again. Never overlook the older pets at shelters. Even if they are with you for only a short time, that experience will touch your heart and remain with you forever!
Well, my beloved Skif, was adopted from a shelter one day before she was due for “termination.” I had 18 beautiful years with her. I currently have three kitties, two were rescued from a friend’s friend who was irresponsible enough to not have fixed her cat…whatever kittens weren’t adopted were going to be dropped off at a shelter. Then, at my last apartment, I managed a small feral colony (and a couple neighborhood kitties who really like noms). My third cat came from here. He was the one who let me pet him and, gasp, even pick him up on occasion. The others were just too, well, feral. The bizarre thing about this colony was that they were all male, except for one mommy kitty who kept having boy kitties one or two at a time. I was finally able to TNR her, and a couple of the males, and I left the colony in good hands with another cat-loving tenant once I moved. I hear the kitties are still doing well, and no new kittens have showed. 🙂 Oh, and I saved a pigeon with a broken wing (yeah, one of the ferals caught it). Pidgie stayed in my bathroom in a borrowed cage for a month before I found a pigeon rescue where he could live out his days (since the vet said he shouldn’t be returned to the wild with that wing). I wish animals could speak up more, but this is why I have to be outspoken for the animals!
Hello Gracey! Well, I have loved all animals as far back as I can remember! We had all kinds of animals when I was growing up, from Turtles to Bunnies, to wild bunnies, wild Blue Jay baby birdies, dogs and kitties! I was always out finding some animal that needed rescue. I was only 10 when i got to raise 5 baby bunnies, bottle fed as their mother was killed. We also had the baby blue jay, boy was he fun to feed worms to! We have rescued 14 kitties and 3 dogs from shelters. We also rescued a dog, that was left in its back yard after being hit by a car. The dogs leg was about 8 inches in diameter. If we hadnt just taken him, after we saw his leg, to the vet, they would have had to amputate his leg. But we got him there in time. We spent thousands of dollars on a dog we didnt even own, to save his leg. He is now in the care of one of my very good friends. We couldnt take him, he was a lab and needed room to run. It wouldnt have been fair for us to keep him with our small back yard and all the other furbabies we already had. I am not a horder, just love my “kids”. I was not blessed with being able to have human babies, so the kitties came to my rescue also. I was so depressed. So we are the parents of 12 happy, healthy rescue kitties and 1 pomeranian dog. I couldnt be happier with my family. We give to North Shore Animal Rescue each year, to The Conservation Cub Club, to Tiny Timmy, Warm Fuzzy’s, Purrever Ranch and many more, I cannot even name them all. I love all types of cats, big and small. I post and repost on most pets needing homes to save them. We also give to the Greater Good, by purchasing items and clicking several times a day for the “click for food”. I just go from sight to sight clicking away. I try and educate people on cats and what they should and shouldnt do, feed them, the flea information etc. My heart hurts seeing and hearing of the things people do to animals. If I had the money, I would have a home out in the country with plenty of room for all the kitties and animals that needed a place to live. I know i cant save them all, but i like to TRY! Thats all we can do, right?! If everyone would just try and save one animal, we could do this world alot of good! We need more good in the world today, it is all such bad news. I cant stand to see Tony the Tiger at the truck stop! If i thought that i could, I will steal him and take him to a sanctuary where he could live out his life in peace. All we need to do, is work together, help who we can help, every little bit helps! Thank you Gracey, for all that YOU and your parents do!
Judy, I can very much relate to the comments you made. Being unable to have my own children also, I got a kitten in 2005: a Main Coon we named Little Dude, then came beautiful Butterbeans, a spunky, little character who always elicits a laugh, and now Shadow. I was in a very deep depression when we got Little Dude, we had a dog, Nipper who had cancer and was put to sleep in 2004 and I fell in love with Little Dude the moment I saw him. He did so much to ease my depression, a very deep one that I had been in for 2 years, even used to (when he was a baby) take him to church with me. On a Feast Day (I’m Catholic), we all stood in line for a blessing, which included the Relic of Saint Ann being placed on our foreheads. The Priest kindly blessed Little Dude also. Its too much to go into, but he was indeed blessed. He did and still does things that really make us think twice. Just for instance, one day digging thru my purse for money and hoping I wouldn’t have to go to the bank, he walked into the living room w/a $5.00 bill (where did he get it??) in his mouth…strange occurances like that. And again, he did so very much for my depression, actually caring for him alone helped so in seeing me through to the happy side of life. THey all have such a special place in my hearts; just as I imagine a baby would, as they are babies ?
I may not compare to many but I’ve loved animals more than many people since before I could talk. I’m 42 & have donated to wildlife & environmental organizations since I was in grade school. That was my choice to do w/my monetary bday & xmas gifts. Once working I gave thousands per year to more & more organizations. My goal was to one day have my own refuge for many animals (like Best Friends which I’m so happy to have found!) I was sidelined early by medical issues & though isolated still donated & spread info on all issues to those wanting (& not wanting) it. When the internet made this easier I have helped people around the world build TNR colonies, built what was needed & fed many animals from my computer as well as share needed info about issues & animals in need since I cannot physically do more. I wish I could be out there helping & am working towards that goal slowly! A dream is to vacation/volunteer at Best Friends (so glad someone shared my dream & brought it to fruition!) I was never allowed pets but asap rescued a cat (who hated every person & animal but my husband) & after he passed last year got another from the shelter. I would have many animals but since hubby is responsible for their care I cannot oppose his wish for just one pet. I live vicariously on the computer thru the many friends I have found on FB w/like interests & many animals (especially big cats). I also visit TTT’s site who I look forward to when I first sign on, as often as possible (& where I found many of those friends!) Thanks Gracey for all you do & bringing many of us together!
Hi Gracey! I have 5 rescued cats. They were babies when their feral mother was killed. She had moved them under my porch. They were just so tiny and helpless. We fed them with eye droppers and used warmed water bottles and clocks at night to help them sleep. Today, they are healthy, happy, and spoiled rotten, and my life is all the better for having them.
Since that time, I have worked to create a feral cat community in my neighborhood. I contacted the local humane society and they will spay/neuter for free, and I will pay for the vaccinations.I took the time to educate my neighbors on why feral cat colonies can help, especially in rural areas. When these neighbors were hard hit by the economy and unable to buy pet food or get one of their own pets spayed or neutered, they would call on me for help. There is no local pet food bank, so it’s neighbors helping neighbors and friends helping friends to take care of each other and all of God’s little creatures.
I have always loved animals, but the kitties have a special place in my heart. I work with the Vancouver Orphan Kitten Rescue, interviewing people who have offered barns to house outdoor cats/kittens. I share posts on Facebook and donate cash when I can. We need to speak for those (animals and people) that cannot speak for themselves. One of my favourite quotes is “Until we have the courage to recognize cruelty for what it is–whether its victim is human or animal–we cannot expect things to be much better in this world… We cannot have peace among men whose hearts delight in killing any living creature. By every act that glorifies or even tolerates such moronic delight in killing we set back the progress of humanity. -Rachel Carson (1907-1964)”
I’ve always had a love for animals. At a young age, I chose to be vegetarian which has now evolved into a vegan diet. I rescued my cat Luna when he was a kitten shut in a box in a dumpster. He has been a part of our family for three years now. I re-tweet for Tony the Tiger and, of course, chat with pretty Miss Gracey! ^_^ If we had a house instead of small apartment, I would love to adopt more cats! I see them posted on Facebook and it breaks my heart that I cannot help them.
Thoughtful points.
Oops–hit the button too soon.
I PLAY, PLAY, PLAY with two rooms of kitties.
In 2008 I was certified as a small animal massage practitioner, but did not go into private practice. Instead, I use my skills to sooth the shelter kitties and show them the loving touch that a human can offer them.
Also in 2008, I was certified in animal CPR and first aid through the Atlanta Humane Society. You never know when something might happen and it’s good to have a clue what to do and also what NOT to do!!
I try to support Best Friends Animal Sanctuary in Kanab, Utah when I can. My goal is to travel to Utah for a visit and a volunteer opportunity.
Lastly, I’d like to take Vet Tech classes at our local technical college. After I retire in a couple years, I’d like to offer kitty nanny services.
Well, let’s see . . . I have a 20-year-old cat name Willie. I take him to the vet twice a year for senior examinations and monitor his bloodwork for signs of trouble. He’s got CRF, so he’s on a special low-protein diet.
For other kitties, I volunteer every Wednesday at Furkids. This is a non-profit, no-kill, cage-free kitty shelter in Atlanta, GA. For two years now, I sweep/mop floors, clean 14-16 litter boxes, refill food/water bowls, and PLAY, PLAY, PLAY
Gracey, I try to help the animals in several small ways and here is a list. I do temporary emergency fostering for Marley’s Cat Tales; I take my girls to the vet once a year and anytime something looks amiss; I refuse to use the new low energy light bulbs because they contain mercury which is harmful to all animals; I donate to animal causes when I can; I never buy kitties – mine have all been strays, at the pound, or from someone who couldn’t keep him; and after being educated by Tiny Timmy about harmful flea and tick products I’ve been speaking up when talking to other pet owners.
I’m 45, soon to be 46 yrs old and have loved animals my whole life. I have a special fondness for anything feline! At one time when I was a little girl I can remember having 21 kitties at my home, most were kittens though! Especially, for the past 17 years I have rescued kittens and cats that have been abandoned in my apartment building parking lot and bushes! I’ve probably found great homes for close to 40 of them over the years! Some of them, taking sometimes 5 months to build their trust in me after probably been treated mean by cruel adults! Some people would probably think I’m crazy but I don’t care, I’m so fond of animals I’d probably endure taking a bullet for all animals, if it came down to it! I have a little all black kitty, I was planning on finding a home for, I had rescued from a friends neighborhood when she was maybe 10 weeks old. I wasnt even planning on keeping her but before I let her in my apartment where my 16 year old indoor baby lives that wasn’t up to date on her shots, I had her checked out at the vet after reg hours plus she had a bad eye, it was even hard to look at, it ended up costing me $180.00. It ended up her eye was either congenital, meaning she was born that way or she had severe trauma to it, and it probably is dead and probably should be removed and sewn shut but that only I think because it can get eye infections easier due to it being dead. The vet gave me what turned out to be really neosporin honestly, same damn ingredients I researched, but they sold it to me for $20.00 damn bucks and it was labeled as opthamalogist eye ointment!!! Like they hadnt got enough money out of me,and get this to get more of it I had to see the doctor first to get the perscription lol another $50, I dont think so! I buy at the .99 cent store lol and the size of the ointment is at least 4 times bigger than the size they sold me!! Lasted me at least a year now and I put it with a Qtip every few days inside her eye and she’s a great kitty and lets me easily, and it works fine! Just a lil bit of advice in case anyone ever needs it lol! I cany believe people go to all that college if they don’t just simply adore animals, and would try and rake people and overcharge them soo bad!! Anyways, still was planning on finding a home for her but for some reason I was unusually busy etc., more than usual and she got to be pretty much an adult, so just pretty much adopted her I guess lol! I guess too it may be too hard to find a home for her when she probably needs that stuff lol, put in her eye at least twice a week! I’m only suppose to have one cat where I live though but its okay, new manager too now! Im sure my older baby is hoping eventually this kitty too will be gone for she gets teased by the kitten half of her day at least!If you see my fb profile, I belong to hundreds of animal welfare groups! Im trying to find a good home also for an adult female kitty that was abandoned here in my lot and I’ve been feeding for 6 months now and post about her on some sites. I did a few times on Gracie’s main page and you all told me to post a pic of her but I don’t have a decent camera but as soon as I can I will. She looks alot like Gracie, if anyone in Los angeles area is interested, she’s probably a few yrs old and I think she’s fixed already. My number is 818 668 0896, she’s sweet, loving, and seems quite healthy. I post about poor Tony the Tiger on my profile and get people to sign petitions for all kinds of animal issues almost evey day! I educate whoever I come in contact with about cats especially, alot of people think they’re mean or snotty etc. I currently have posted on my fb profile a petition for people to read about and sign reguarding crush videos! If you don’t know about them go to m,y page my name is Gail Greenlee. You can also just do a search for crush videos if you want info but be warned you may get very upset when you know about them! I will stop in a bad neighborhood, by myself, late at night to feed or help an animal, and I feel that God looks over me because Im helping his great creatures and I do think with some common sense but nobody’s attempted to do anything bad to me while helping one. The cops drove by me one time and just looked at me like I was crazy I think lol. In my laundryroom I post flyers that the Humane Society will send out for free about people that are involved in dog fighting, if you leave a tip and it leads to good info and I believe a conviction, you can be anonymos,you or anyone can get possibly a $5,000 reward! I love that, post it as much as possible! These days who wouldn’t probably tip off for $5,000? I may also start volunteering at my local shelter soon too. I’m sure my post is prob the longest here so I’ll just say I do whatever I can when I can, and the best I can usually! Thanks mucho for what you do here and everywhere too Gracie, you’re the BEST! God Bless!
Several years ago as I was leaving the library I saw a tiny Siamese mix kitten running toward me and crying. When I opened my car door to leave she climbed right in. Apparently she had decided that I would take good care of her and wanted to leave with me. I had originally planned to take her to the animal shelter that was on my way home. But the closer I got to it, the more I thought about my neighbor who had recently lost her older cat. I felt that the kitten might find a home with her. Sure enough the minute my neighbor saw her it was love at first sight and she took the baby to live with her. I am glad I acted on my impulse that day instead of dropping her off at the shelter.
For years I’ve taken in stray animals. I’ve had 2 blind dogs and a blind cat – also, one dog who was deaf. I currently have 10 dogs and 2 cats. Several of the dogs I rescued out of the deep woods while being a census worker and one of the cats (a kitten then) was discovered on a freezing car motor by my husband after his car was towed home! My house dog was given to me by her owner who could no longer take care of her because of the tumors in her ears. I contribute financially to several animal organizations and also send protest letters for PETA and other animal welfare agencies. I manage an apartment complex which allows pets and when I find stray or abandoned animals on the property, I find them a home with a resident.
I adopted Tripod from a friend’s farm 3 years ago this Wed. (Sept. 1st) & Bette Davis through Feline Rescue just over a year ago. Yesterday WAS “Go to the Vet day” but everyone is fine. Thanks for all you do, Gracie!
I have seven adopted cats. All stay inside except one who doesn’t like to be inside. She stays on the screened porch at night.
I’m feeding three other cats right now. I made a vet appt for the kitten to get her spayed, checked for FELV and FIV, etc. My husband wants to adopt her, too, if we can’t find a good home for her. The other two cats won’t let us get close to them yet.
I’m doing what I can to help the animal advocates group here raise money to build a no-kill shelter for dogs and cats. I’ve volunteered to help teach people, especially children, about the importance of spaying and neutering their pets. I donate money to help animals when I can.
I post articles about helping animals on FB and sometimes share posts about cats that need homes. Sometimes I send letters to my congressman and state representatives about voting to outlaw various types of cruelty to animals.
I try very hard to avoid hitting animals when driving. I know I don’t do very much compared to the sacrifices that many people make for animals. I pray that more people will want to help animals, that people will stop being cruel to animals and stop neglecting the animals in their care, and that people will spay and neuter their pets as they should to reduce the number of unwanted animals.
Hi Gracey, well, my love for animals runs so deep, that, I almost have a wreck trying to avoid hitting a butterfly! My “speaking out for animals” involves physical attention I may need to give at the time…I have taken a baby robin to work with me, every day, to be able to keep him fed, and then released him after 5 weeks. (Peepers)
I will try and help ANY animal in need!!! Also try to donate to causes when I can…
If I see someone abusing an animal, I am the first to call the police! (And follow through until it is resolved!)
As long as I breathe, I will try and help and speak out for animals!!!
Hi Gracey! I’m not sure if this qualifies, but, here goes-
We take in the kittens that are unwanted by others. They are perfect to us. We take them in to be fixed, so there are no other kittens. We keep them inside, so that way they don’t get run over, or eaten by bears (yes, we live in bear country), or in cat fights. We can only have 3 at a time, and we love each one.
We donate money to others so that way they can help cats in trouble (like Ayda in Egypt). We post info on FB to raise awareness to other animal lovers. We are there to support others in their time of sorrow, joy, need and love. We wouldn’t have it any other way, because the good Lord gave us dominion over the animals-we are to care for them as if they were our kids.
Gracey, our voices are not as loud as some others may be, but we do speak up whenever we can to help those in need. I know sometimes we’ve been taken advantage of, but we still believe that we should help whenever we can.
Hi Dee,
Thank you for posting. And Thank you so much for everything you do for Tony the Tiger. Please send my love to the Jersey Boys. xoxox
Hi Gracey
I’ve loved animals all of my life, and as you know I have a real soft spot in my heart for tigers. I post articles about tigers to my blog sites Tiger World News and Tiger News and also to 2 Facebook groups I have for tigers, as well as cross post them to Big Cat Rescue’s blogger sites and my twitter Tiger Notes. I am also trying to help Tony the Truck Stop Tiger. I feel all of us working together to help our animal friends can make a big difference.