Friends, while waiting for The Night Tiger, I had some time to work on my next Tiger imitation for you. I apologize to you in advance, because I have once again made this very difficult for you. Both of our tongues are the exact same color of pink and I think I have the eyes, ears and whiskers perfectly placed. So, once again, take your time and try to decide which is me, Gracey, The Tiniest Tiger. Thank you everyone. Meow for Now!
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[…] Category: Cats Tags: Gracey, Gracey's Blog, The Tiniest Tiger, Tiger Imitation, Tiger Tuesday addthis_url = ' '; addthis_title = 'The Tiniest Tiger Tuesday'; addthis_pub = ''; […]
Wow Gracey! I think I will have to flip a coin for this one!
I’m going to have to catch up on this night tiger stuff. I’ve been offline for awhile now. Don’t want to miss anything!
I think you will have to tell me which one you are, Gracey! I’m stumped! 🙂
Wow, it is very hard to tell?!!!! But i see your beautiful eyes….IT’S GRACEY! 🙂
Any sign of that old Night Tiger yet, Gracey? If you see him, he’ll just think you’re a fellow tiger because you look exactly like one now!!
Thanks Gracey for taking time for another tiger imitation during your quest for the Peanut Mystery! I really can’t tell, you 2 look so much alike, toung and all!
Oh Gracey dear, this is a tough one! I will need some time to sort this out! Love you!