Friends, after the shocking photos were released from my habitat exposing my ~shiver~ empty chow bowl, many of you commented that your Cat feels the exact same anxiety as I do when the chow in their bowls reaches a dangerously low level. Just this morning, I ran out to check my chow level and look what I found.
There was a lot of white showing through indicating a low level of chow. Not an emergency, but definitely at a level low enough to cause me to feel some anxiety. I chomped as much as I could to attract my mom’s attention so she would replenish my supply. It didn’t work. ~sigh~ Now I must pace myself in case I run out of food. All of this pacing and anxiety disrupts my napping, I mean thinking and play, I mean work.
While languishing in my “thinking circle” I thought of the perfect solution for all Cats to never have to suffer from LCL Syndrome again! No, not the knee injury, Low Chow Level Syndrome!
I consulted with Bad Kitty and we formulated a chart. Then I sent this information out through the FTC for feedback. No, not the Federal Trade Commission, but the Feline Telepathy Council. (Your Cat may very well be a member, but I can’t tell you that, so don’t ask me to rat them out. hahahaha rat them out. ) Anyway, here is the consensus and what we think is a brilliant solution to preventing LCL Syndrome in the future.
The Tiniest Tiger’s Chow Code Alert Chart
Code GREEN indicates a low risk of Cat anxiety.
Notice there are a lot of morsels in the dish and also a back up snack. This is the ideal level for all Cats. If you maintain this chow level at all times your Cat will be relaxed and able to concentrate on other activities.
Code BLUE indicates a general risk of Cat anxiety.
Notice the missing backup snack. Even though there are plenty of morsels in the dish, your Cat will know if they chomp all the chow, they could run out of food. This level is acceptable but not ideal.
Code YELLOW indicates an elevated risk of Cat anxiety.
Notice that even though there are plenty of morsels, the bottom of the dish is clearly visible. This will cause your Cat to become distracted from their usual antics and begin to obsess over the chow dish. If you allow your Cat’s chow level to get this low, please remedy the situation at once.
Code ORANGE indicates a high risk of Cat anxiety.
Notice that even a human toddler could count the number of morsels remaining in the bowl. More of the dish bottom is exposed than covered by the chow. My mouth is dry and my heart is beating fast just looking at this image. Please do not allow your Cat’s dish to remain at Code Orange without expecting desperate meows and perhaps even the onset of the ABA! No, not a visit from the American Banking Association, but Ankle Biting Attacks!
The following photo is graphic and may not be suitable for kittens or elderly Cats.
Code RED
Code Red indicates a severe risk of Cat anxiety.
Please notice that there is nothing to notice! Not a single morsel of chow. If for some unimaginable reason your Cat’s bowl is empty, please drop everything and replenish the chow supply at once. This should be your top priority. If your Cat’s bowl remains empty for a long period of time…. Friends, I am having difficulty even finishing this sentence…your Cat is at a severe risk of becoming extremely anxious and dare I say it… hungry! I am feeling light headed.
Friends, when a Cat becomes hungry instinct takes over and we can not be held accountable for our actions. We may lash out, if we still have the strength and do things that a Cat with a full chow bowl would never do. So Please, keep this in mind and do your absolute best to keep our chow dishes full with the occasional back up snack.
I hope you have found my Chow Code Alert Chart useful. Please let me know if you have any questions or suggestions. Thank you everyone. Meow for Now!
Thanks for reposting this gracey! I took pics of Mr. B’s chow bowl to share with you, back when you sent this the first time to show you I took your suggestion and had backup snacks and just recently. I used the recent pic on my christmas cards! But I don’t know how to send them to you, or post them to your wall on facebook. Can you please tell me how to share them with you?
awww, I don’t know how I missed your comment here Lia. You can still send the photos to me at I apologize for not seeing your message before. Thank you for being my friend.
Please, start a comic strip, Gracey is definitely a star!
As for the rat-outs, some of the unnamed give themselves away by their very chow-bowl vigilance. Jaxy must be on the committee that develops chow-bowl quotas (ratio of (kibble to Temptations to Whiskerlickins to Greenies). Won’t go into canned food, too complicated for me to remember all her “preferred” combinations of kibble to wet.
Gracey, I appreciate this so much, and will immediately go check the food dishes. I have passed this chart on to my friends, as I know they don’t want their kitties to suffer. Thank you so much for the education and smiles!
Very useful chart, Gracey! I think I need to get Lacey a bigger bowl, because she acts like hers is at Code Orange even when the bowl is full.
I agree with Judy, you need to start a comic strip! How cute is this!!! Thanks sweet Gracey! Love you!
Gracey, I showed my boy, Toothpick your pictures above and while he wasn’t terribly upset at the first few, the last one really grabbed his attention! He then gave me a look that I can’t describe and pointedly looked his bowl, which is about Code Blue level. (Ignore the fact that he has a bowl here, next to my computer AND a bowl (Code Green!)and his water fountain out in the TV room! But because this one isn’t GREEN, I get the dirty look!
And I agree with Judy. You make me laugh and smile every single day!!
Toothpick is a VERY lucky cat (despite his name) even though he may not seem to show his appreciation. =)
That last one made me shiver!!!!
I can’t beleive that some owners let bowls get empty.
That is sooooo scary!!!!
This is just too hilarious & too true! You have to start writing comic strips! I know you would be accepted! You are so talented & make my day great, EVERY SINGLE DAY! Thank you!
Judy Simon