Friends, I have been practicing my latest Tiger imitaion for a few days now. I hope you have had your coffee, tea or other morning thinking beverage to help you decide whether I am on the left or on the right in the photo. When I say I, I mean me, Gracey, The Tiniest Tiger. I didn’t want you to get confused and think that our big cat cousin, the Tiger was aksing you. ~phew~ Ok. Take your time. You can even go to your thinking circles and come back if you need more time. This one is a little harder as I have not included any text to help you .
Good Luck Friends! I will be back in a while to check on your progress.
Gracey, my goodness! I think that’s your best tiger pose yet!! You two look just alike!
Gracey, I really need that collar to tell you two apart. Maybe another glass of thinking beverage will help….
Gracey, I need the collar to tell you apart, you know. Maybe I need another glass of thinking beverage…
You mean they’re not both of you? Nah, this was a trick question… They’re both you! Have a blessed day, Gracey!
Hmmmm, Gracey, this is a close call…(I was hoping to cheat a little, and see which one had the “necklace” on…)