A few weeks ago I attended the Wildlife Conservation Network Expo in San Francisco. The mission of the Wildlife Conservation Network (WCN) is to protect endangered species and preserve their natural habitats by supporting entrepreneurial conservationists who pursue innovative strategies for people and wildlife to co-exist and thrive.
Every October, WCN’s conservation partners gather in San Francisico to share their experiences of saving wildlife around the world to over 1,000 wildlife supporters. The Expo is a day of learning and celebration and if you ever get the chance to attend, I highly recommend it. You will leave inspired.
This year Dr. Laurie Marker was one of the speakers. Dr. Marker is the founder of the Cheetah Conservation Fund and has become one of the world’s leading experts on and advocates for the cheetah. You can watch Dr. Marker’s presentation too!
Cheetah Conservation Fund-Dr. Laurie Marker- Expo 2014
A Future For Cheetahs
I was able to visit with Dr. Market at the Expo and she kind enough to sign a copy of her new book A Future for Cheetahs
for me to give to one member of The Tiniest Tiger community. The book is not only gorgeous to look at with photographs by world-class photographer Suzi Eszterhas, but you will learn the story of the cheetah and what boots-on-the-ground efforts are being taken by CCF to save this magnificent cat from extinction. Here are a few images from A Future For Cheetahs.
December 4th is International Cheetah Day
“International Cheetah Day serves to remind us that the cheetah, like all wildlife, is a treasure of our planet. Wildlife enhances our landscapes and can support livelihoods when utilized in a sustainable manner,” said Dr. Marker. “When a species becomes extinct, you cannot bring it back, and everyone loses. The good news is cheetahs can be saved; young conservationists hold the key to their future.”
Virtual Cheetah Party on Facebook
CCF is hosting an all-day Virtual Cheetah Party on Facebook to which animal lovers of all ages are invited to attend (Facebook.com/CCFcheetah). In addition, CCF is offering suggestions for other creative ways adults can engage young conservationists on International Cheetah Day, including swapping out their online profile photo for a cheetah image, wearing cheetah print or collecting donations to support cheetahs in the wild. The complete list of suggestions can be viewed on CCF’s Web site.
The Tiniest Tiger community is sponsoring Amani at CCF.
Rebuilding the Visitor Center
I have had the honor of meeting Dr. Marker, first in Namibia when I was at CCF and then again at the Cincinnati Zoo and just a few weeks ago at the Expo. She works tirelessly on cheetah conservation and stresses the importance of outreach education. Last October while Dr. Marker was on her fall tour a lightning strike caused a fire that burned the visitor center at CCF to the ground.
At the heart of the building was a large classroom space used for visiting school-children, community groups and the Future Farmers of Africa program. Also housed within were CCF’s Gift Shop, the Cheetah Cafe’ and its kitchen, and a staff apartment upstairs.
CCF has begun rebuilding but their insurance only covers two-thirds of the construction costs leaving an additional $300,000 to complete the rebuild and outfit of the new Visitor Center. To learn more about CCF, the rebuilding of their Visitor Center, and Dr. Marker visit Cheetah.org.
The A Future For Cheetahs Giveaway
One member of The Tiniest Tiger community will win the signed copy of A Future For Cheetahs. If you can’t wait to see if you win and want to get your own copy now you can purchase the book here: A Future for Cheetahs * amazon affiliate link
How To Enter
Enter your information in the contest widget so we know where to ship your prize if you win.
Leave a comment below this post telling us what you would like to learn about cheetahs.
I would love to learn anything about them. They are so beautiful.
Sue B
Another beautiful creature on the brink of extinction. Would love to learn everything about them.
I would like to learn everything about them, i think their beautiful, but know their deadly
I would like to learn more ways we can help cheetahs in their fight to survive in an ever-changing environment.
Cheetahs are so beautiful!
I had my picture taken with a cheetah when I was small , I’ve always loved to learn new things about them.
I would like to learn more about how they live as a family and more about their cubs.
I would like to know how many cubs are usually in a litter and how long the cubs stay with the mother in the wild.
I love the work you do Dr.Laurie. I can rest my head knowing you are at the helms of the conservation fund for Cheetahs.
i think they are so unbelievable beautiful. i hate they they are on the endangered lists like so many other beautiful wild animals. i would like to know more abt their habits and lifestyle as well as what other things are being done to help this breed survive.
I love the babies, so I would like to learn more about them and how they learn and grow.
Have there been successful releases of captive reared cheetahs? ?
I want to learn how many are left and their social structure.
I would like to know if zoo cheetahs are ever released into the wild?
I really don’t know a lot about cheetahs, and am interested in learning about them in general…I do know, they are beautiful!!! 🙂
Growing up I really didn’t have an interest in animals..everything changed when my daughter was born. Every since I could remember, she has had an interest in cheetahs. She grew up loving all animals but cheetahs are her passion! One day she plans on opening her own sanctuary. I know a lot more about cheetahs today than I ever have but I know there is a lot more we can learn. How to protect them and what we can all do to help preserve these beautiful animals. 🙂
I would like to know more about tracking them and the size of their hunting domain.
I am passionate about Cheetah conservation and having a resource like this book would offer up so many opportunities to engage people about the plight of these amazing creatures.
My daughter wants to learn more about cheetah conservation!
I would like to learn everything about them. They are such beautiful animals.
Cheetahs are so awesome. We had two young cheetahs at the Dallas zoo who did walkabouts to educate the public about cheetah conservation.
I would like to learn about their life, their habitat, I just love cats in general
I love cheetahs, they’re one of my favorite big cats. I’d love to learn more about what’s being done to save them, and what else can be done to help them.
Congratulations Jeanne! You are the winner of the signed copy of A Future For Cheetahs! I am putting your book in the mail today. Thank you for being a part of The Tiniest Tiger community.
I love cheetahs and all cats big and small. This book would be awesome!!
I would love to learn how much progress has been made with conservation and trying to save the cheetah.
I love all cats, big & small & try to learn as much as I can about each breed. I would love this book! Thank you for sharing!
I would be interested to learn abut breeding programs for cheetahs and if they are successful.
I would absolutely love to win this book! I have a vast collection of signed books on wildlife and I can’t think of a better addition to the library than this. The cheetah is a big cat that has held my fascination for years.
The Cheetah is my favorite of all big cats. I would love to learn more about how I can help save this majestic animal. I donate and post about them on my social media but I want to be even more hands on.
I love big cats. They are so beautiful and majestic animals. My favorite is the Jaguar, but I would love to know more about the Cheetah since I don’t know as much about them as my beloved Jaguar.
I would like to learn all their is about cheetahs! I’ve been watching Animal Planet for Big Cat Week, mainly to watch and try and learn more about cheetahs. They’re such beautiful animals and we need to do our all to help keep them <3