Thanks to your support of Triple T Studios, The Tiniest Tiger community was able to make another generous donation to SAVE THE FROGS!.
SAVE THE FROGS! is America’s first public charity dedicated exclusively to amphibian conservation. Their mission is to protect amphibian populations and to promote a society that respects and appreciates nature and wildlife. SAVE THE FROGS! vision is a world in which not a single amphibian species is threatened with extinction. SAVE THE FROGS! scientists and volunteers have held over 1,300 educational events in 59 countries to raise awareness of the rapid decline of amphibian populations and to provide people with practical tools that will empower them to protect amphibians in their communities.

Dr. Kerry Kriger, SAVE THE FROGS!
Dr. Kerry M. Kriger is the Founder and Executive Director of SAVE THE FROGS!, the world’s leading amphibian conservation organization. Dr. Kriger created and coordinates Save The Frogs Day, the world’s largest day of amphibian education and conservation action. You can enter to win a free SAVE TE FROGS! Ecotour! Participants learn ecology from expert scientists, experience native cultures, enjoy fabulous exotic cuisine, hike through beautiful landscapes, photograph rare & endangered wildlife, and make new friends and memories that last a lifetime. Hop here: Enter To Win SAVE THE FROGS! ECOTOUR
Why Toads? They Are Not Cats.
My focus during my zoology studies was on big cat conservation and they are considered charismatic megafauna. The term charismatic megafauna refers to large well-known animal species that attract a disproportionate share of the public’s attention. The tiger is the world’s most popular animal according to a survey conducted by animal planet. The big cat even beat out the dog for the number one position. These species have the “it” factor that grabs the public’s attention and desire to save them. The koala certainly is charming, but a small toad…perhaps not.
Toads and Frogs Need Protected Too!
What about all the living beings that aren’t cute and cuddly or fierce and admired. Driving one day, I thought about toads. Then I wondered why frogs seem to be the preferred amphibian. I imagined a young toad named Andrew. I wish I could tell you why his name is Andrew but I honestly don’t know. But I began to tell Gracey, she was a great listener, the story of a Andrew the young toad that wondered if his life might have been better had be been hatched a frog. And that is how An Ordinary Toad’s Extraordinary Night
came to be.
When the story was completed, I asked Dr. Kriger if he would fact check for me to make sure that I had the differences and similarities between toads and frogs accurate. We were honored that he agreed and even wrote a kind review for us.
“An Ordinary Toad’s Extraordinary Night is not only an enjoyable read, it’s a great introduction to the natural history of amphibians.”
Thank you Dr. Kriger for caring about frogs and toads. And thank you for caring about all animals big and small.
The Ordinary Toad’s Extraordinary Night Giveaway
An Ordinary Toad’s Extraordinary Night was published on the day that we lost Gracey. As you can understand, I wasn’t as enthusiastic as I might have been when the book was first available so I thought in honor of Gracey, we would offer two friends of The Tiniest Tiger a signed copy. The illustrations are wonderful and are the work of the talented Rachael Mahaffey.
Two friends of The Tiniest Tiger will win a signed copy of An Ordinary Toad’s Extraordinary Night. This contest to open to everyone, everywhere!
What Do You Like About Toads and Frogs?
I thought it would be interesting and perhaps fun to find out what you like about frogs and toads. It can be anything at all about these wonderful amphibians. One winner will be chosen from the most creative comment. And one winner will be chosen at random! You can leave a fun fact about toads or frogs, or upload a photo of you in a toad costume, your choice!
To Enter:
Enter your information in the contest widget so we know where to ship your prize if you win. Tell us in a comment below what you like about frogs and toads.
There is just something sweet and free about them. I love finding them in the woods when we go camping. We always leave them behind but the time together makes me feel connected to nature.
I have never had real ones, mainly because I have no pond to keep them in, and with three cats, they probably wouldn’t have made it anyway. That is one reason I collect all the cute ones I can find. There are times when my husband and I have been out in a store and I see a cute frog and put it in the basket or my hands, I will tell him they jumped up and won’t get down so I have to buy it. He goes along with it and says yeah those pesky frogs are like that.
Mostly I just find them cute. They also let us know how the environment is doing by how their health is doing and how their numbers are looking but mostly I find them cute.
I collect frogs, stuffed, minatures, clothes, etc they are so cute
We love our frogs. We have a pond behind our house and there are always a variety of frogs and toads by our house and on our deck!
I’ve always liked toads and frogs… as a child, I would play in the woods or by the creek, looking for them. Sometimes I’d manage to catch one, hoping to establish a friendship, but invariably they weren’t keen on being caught. Sometimes I find them outside the house late at night, some no bigger than my thumbnail.
The darkest of my days come when my medical disability sets me back from achieving a goal, going to an appointment or fulfilling a needed thing (paying a bill). To better understand how my cat helped me through your darkest hour… he use to meow till he got someone’s attention; now he does the same but he lay by my side with a paw over my heart or atop my head with the front paws separated by my head where he often looks around…. all the while his brother would lay atop my feet!
I collect frogs stuffed, ones that sit on shelves, clothes, they are so cute
During their mating season when you hear them tree frogs singing at night
From Toad of Toad Hall to The Frog Prince, toads and frogs have greatly enriched my life!
I collect frogs, stuffed, ones to set on tables, etc, pocket books, clothes, t shirts I don’t know what I like but they are just so cute I have collected them for many many years, and can’t resist adding more to my collection they have cute expressions
So many things to love about them, but one thing special to me is when the Spring peepers start to sing at night and I know that Spring is on it’s way.
I love frogs and toads. They are so adorable. We had a bull frog and 2 dwarf frogs. Loved them.
I love the fact that frogs and toads are some of the initial indicators of the health of the environment. I also enjoy the fact that they make some great fairy tale characters :).
I love frogs. I had an albino dwarf given to me that lived for 10 years. His name was Phrogg. Never had another one in captivity but have some in by back yard.
What do I love about frogs and toads?Everything! I have been a frog/toad lover since I was a little girl. My fun fact about frogs and toads is that they need to blink their eyes in order to swallow their food.
i don’t know an awful lot about toads and frogs, but i’ve always been fond of Kermit 🙂
I love watching tadpoles change as they grow into frogs! Jmuhj, I’m a neighbor of sorts, as I live in the Sonoran desert (Phoenix area). I get to teach children about frogs, toads, and horned toads, which are really lizards.
Frogs and toads are always pictured as lovable , innocent creatures…and of course ermit the Frog.
I’ve always loved frogs and toads and amphibs and herps. We shared our Mojave land with horned lizards, too, @catfleming:disqus ! Such shy little guys, they dive into the sand when attention is paid to them by big, scary human UWOs (unidentified walking objects,to them). Toads are great, too. Haven’t spent much time with any, but I’m glad they’re here.
When I was a kid, we used to catch & watch Horned Toads in New Mexico & West Texas. They are a gentle creature & they didn’t even mind us holding them. We always released them back where we found them. My grandfather taught me a lot about the ‘Horny Toad’ & to respect these creatures.
Recently I read that these gentle toads were endangered & it broke my heart!
I have always loved frogs and toads 🙂 Since I was a child I have loved and collected Kermit the Frog stuff. I have a pet African Dwarf Frog currently 🙂 I think they are so adorable and fascinating. I love how cute they are with their little legs, how vocal they are and that they eat and control the insect population. Oh and I love watching them swim and hop.
Congratulations!! Super Hurrah!! Shelley you are a winner of An Ordinary Toad’s Extraordinary Night! We will ship your book to you via USPS. Thank you for being a member of The Tiniest Tiger community
I have always loved frogs and toads since I was a kid! There’s just something that’s oddly cute about them, maybe it’s the big eyes.
My grandchildren love to catch toads when they are visiting me. I have a pond near me & I love to listen to the bull frogs at night in the summer.
I like listening to them sing on a warm summer night.
Fun fact= Toads are found on all continents except Antarctica 🙂
Would love the stories; I have recently become a Great Auntie and having stories to tell children, as they remember these things growing up, would be a wonderful legacy to pass along, What better way to save frogs, and all life, but through our children. Educate through stories, what a wonderful way to learn!
My late younger brother was a Newt boy, he loved newts, this made me remember him. Toads are amazing.
I’ve loved frogs and toads ever since I was a child and collected tadpoles from the local pond.
I have loved toads and frogs since I was a child, love to hear the sound of frogs singing in the night, from the tiny peepers to the bold deep tones of the bullfrogs
It’s interesting that a toad’s poison can effect other species differently. It can be just irritating or fatal.
I love frogs, geckos and lizards. The song of the frogs when its been raining for a week or more in drought ridden Texas is the most wonderful sound. The night comes alive when they are out. Watching the geckos and lizards running about during the peaceful night. It doesn’t happen much but I love it all.
They are so adorable and I love listening to them at night with the windows open 🙂
I love frogs and used to have a tank of tadpoles when I was a kid 🙂
My grandson is autistic and is fascinated by frogs of all sorts esp. rainforest frogs, But is deathly afraid to go out at night after a rain , in case they are outside. He recently went to an aquarium and got up enough nerve to go up to the glass to see them.
I have always got a kick out of frogs…they are just tooooooooooo cute!
i love that frogs are adorable and they make that ribbit sound.
Congratulations!! Super Hurrah!! Susan, you are a winner of An Ordinary Toad’s Extraordinary Night! We will ship your book to you via USPS. Thank you for being a member of The Tiniest Tiger community