February is Cat Appreciation Month!
This is the 1st day of Cat Appreciation Month. So I thought I would take a moment each day to talk about the things that I, as a cat, appreciate. I know it is supposed to be Cat Appreciation Month and not what Cats Appreciate, but I am super lucky to have a loving home and parents to care for me, so I thought we could all make a list of the things that cats appreciate.
Today, it is the SUN! It is winter in Ohio and normally we experience gray days with lots of clouds and snowy conditions. Most February days I have to argue with my dad about letting me out in the sunroom. But this day, the 1st of February, even the Sun is participating in Cat Appreciation Month, because it is shining down on me and I am out in my sunroom soaking up its warmth and light. And like George Harrison wrote, I too think, “Its all right”.
What do you think your cat appreciates the most?
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Aww Gracey, my girls Tiny Devil and Macchiato live in Ohio as well. Macchi is excited for spring!
I am not sure of the order. It really depends which one you ask, what the order would be! But my kittehs, like lovin’ from mom, noms. sunbeams and catnip 🙂
Hear in California, we have lots of sun but one of my cats is a sun worshipper, so- sun! The other loves looking out the window, so window! 🙂
Every month is cat appreciation month! Just ask my three felines.
Earl loves getting brushed. He just purrs and purrs. And I get to spend more time with him–so we both win.
oh gee, how did I not know it was cat appreciation month? Madison says he is thankful for his Greenie pill pockets and Abigail loves the space heater this winter. They both are thankful to be kitties and be able to nap ALLLLL day!