We cats are ready to pounce on Spring!
Spring is scheduled to arrive at our habitat at 12:57 pm today! Eddie and I are anxiously waiting and are taking turns keeping watch in all directions just in case Spring decides to surprise us and come early. Lazy Leopard told us that Spring is not something we can pounce on, like a toy, but we told him we aren’t taking any chances after this winter. He just shook his head a little but I think I saw him smile.
We are getting warmed up.
Eddie is practicing his gripping technique with his Greenmouse so we will be warmed up and ready to catch Spring. We don’t want to be napping for the big arrival. We couldn’t help but wonder if at 12:57 all the flowers will bloom and the birds will sing. Lazy Leopard just sighed and told us Spring is subtle and takes its time displaying all of its magic.
How much time does Spring need? Lazy Leopard just kept saying you will see and understand in time. I didn’t really understand so it must not be my time to understand so I ran through my agility tunnel a few times to limber up in case I needed to run Spring down.
Lazy Leopard is starting to like us.
This time, Lazy Leopard laughed and said it was good to have kitten enthusiasm in the habitat again. I am not sure, but I think that means he is starting to like us. I must admit that Eddie and I are pretty excited to meet Spring. This is the first one we will experience in our home. I was having trouble staying awake so I tried to amuse myself by imitating Lazy Leopard.
i think I am doing a pretty good job. In fact, I wonder if Eddie can tell us apart. It won’t be long now, so Lazy Leopard told us to take our places and watch really close for Spring’s arrival.
And we are waiting patiently to pounce on Spring.
Eddie and I returned to our lookout spot, taking turns looking in all directions. Lazy Leopard must really trust us now because he said to just wake him up when Spring appears. Are you waiting for Spring too?
that was absolutely darling and I LOVE LOVE LOVE “Lazy Leopard!”
awwww, thank you! Lazy Leopard was one of Gracey’s best buddies.
We are waiting for spring at our house too. It peaks out for a day and then disappears. LOL. Love seeing your kitties.
Sue B
The same here. Warm one day and cold the next. But I think I see our forsythia starting to bud. That is a good sign.
guys…lazee leopard iz veree wise….N annie…ewe did a veree good job at imitatin him …
Thank you so much! Lazy Leopard is a very wise cat. 😉