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Dogs on Deployment
The volunteers who foster Dogs on Deployment care for military pets when their parents cannot. They make sure those pets are ready and waiting to give our service members the kind of “welcome home” they deserve. These service members, their pets and the Dogs on Deployment network of volunteers are all heroes to us. Dogs on Deployment is a nonprofit helping the military community enjoy life-long pet ownership.
After deploying overseas, Kat is reunited with her excited dog Miko, who was in foster care with DoD Boarder, Laura, through the organization Dogs on Deployment. You can see how important this organization is to both Kat and Miko!
Dogs on Deployment Reunion-Katherine & Miko
Purina® is Working with Dogs on Deployment
Purina is working with Dogs on Deployment to raise awareness of the need to foster and care for pets of our military men and women while they are away from home on deployment.
You can make a difference by visiting and answering trivia questions to trigger a donation. Purina will donate $.25 for every correct answer, up to $40,000, to Dogs on Deployment.
If you would like to learn more about Purina and their support of Dogs on Deployment visit: Follow Purina on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram!