Sometimes I have the most fun in the night. I can’t help myself, I really can’t, I am after all, The Tiniest Tiger andtigers are thought to be nocturnal. Although Bad Kitty wishes me to point out that tigers may very well be crepuscular. That means that tigers begin hunting in the twilight period just after sundown. Super interesting isn’t it? Especially after what we just learned about lions in my post about Fear of Darkness? Lazy Leopard would like me to remind you that the full moon is now waning. Be careful out there.
Anyway, as you know from my post How I Know I am Sweeter than Sugar, my dad and I have a morning tea ritual. We get up super early, even before the sun. Some mornings I get overly eager and I go into wake up my dad a little too early according to him. It is hard to remember not to wake up my parents. I know they wouldn’t want to miss an opportunity to spend time with me, so I figure why wait?
One of the most fun ways to wake my dad up for tea I just found out about lately. What I learned was when I leap up onto the night stand that sits right beside where my dad sleeps, I can make quite a bit of noise. One leg of the stand must be shorter, or maybe the floor isn’t level but either way, when I dance on the nightstand, it rocks backand forth and makes a really loud noise. It works perfectly to wake up my dad for tea, and I actually have fun dancing on the table.
Well, for some reason, my dad didn’t seem to appreciate my dancing at all. He would look at me and say, “Gracey Lou!” in a low and serious tone. Then he would close his eyes and put his head back on the pillow. So I would dance some more to see if he was beginning to appreciate my moves and he would only open one eye, look at me, and then pretend to be asleep. Since my dancing wasn’t working I decided that shoving the remote control off the nightstand would make a nice sound. Surely that would get him up for tea.
So I gave the remote a push of the paw and voila! My dad jumped up and decided it was tea time after all. The funny thing is now, he doesn’t keep anything on the nightstand, and he did something to the stand so it doesn’t wobble. So now there is no more dancing in the moonlight. ~sigh~
Love you little lady aka TTT aka Gracey lou <3
Ahhhhh, that’s not right, Gracey 🙁 You need to tell your dad that life is too short not to *Dance in the moonlight*. It is what life is all about. You should just try dancing directly on him. That is what my kittehs do 🙂 Gotta do the curly dance!
LOLOL!!! Love your little story!!! I know you will come up with another way to wake him for your special time with him 🙂
You are so cute! I think your moves are good. 🙂
Thank you! xoxo
Our hoomans just don’t appreciate our late night dancing – mine complain about “needing sleep” Pfftt! You just keep dancing my furiend-if they more the remote find something else to knock over! ((HUGS))
I will look for something tonight, Lily. xoxo