From Live Science, an Infographic on Owning Wild Animals!
What color is your state? What do you think?
From Live Science, an Infographic on Owning Wild Animals!
What color is your state? What do you think?
This post originally appeared on The Tiniest Tiger’s Conservation Cub Club and is the sole property of The Tiniest Tiger, LLC.
my god those stats are frightening what is wrong with law makers these laws need to be changed not for the humans sake but for the sake of those poor animals 🙁
Sharon, here’s hoping stronger regulations will be put into place soon. Thank you for caring about all animals big and small.
No one should own an exotic pet. It’s not our right. I don’t understand how anyone who does this thinks. I visited an orangutan rehab center in Borneo, and witnessed the retraining of orangutans on how to be orangutans. People illegally got baby orangutans and somehow didn’t realize that they would grow up to fully grown hard-to handle wild animals. These people really have a missing link in their heads.
Michele, that is sort of spooky to think the missing link might be living in their heads! ~shiver~ hahahaha