Congratulations Janell Markey! You are the winner of the Teddy’s Pride Oral Care for Cat! You are now a Triple T Reporter too!
I must admit that my breath is not the best. I can tell that I have Cat bad breath by the look on my parents’ faces when I let out a big yawn close to their noses. My mom brushes my teeth and I get regular tooth inspections but I admit my teeth and breath could use some help.
A few weeks ago, we started discussing oral care options for Cats on our The Tiniest Tiger facebook page. Many of us were wondering what was a safe and natural product to use to help improve a cat’s oral health. Then at the Global Pet Expo, we met the nice people from Teddy’s Pride. and they talked to us about their interesting product.
Teddy’s Pride® Oral Care is an innovative new product that contains ProBiora3®. The probiotics contained in Teddy’s Pride® are formulated to take care of the oral care needs of pets. Probiotics are live microbial organisms that are naturally present in the body. These probiotics are known as “beneficial” bacteria. These good bacteria in Teddy’s Pride crowd out the bad bacteria that cause bad breath, and that is how your pet starts to get better breath and cleaner whiter teeth.
You just need to sprinkle on your cat’s food once a day and your cat will start to get fresher breath and cleaner, whiter teeth. I like that the product freshens breath naturally. Even if you are a finicky feline, you might like Teddy’s Pride Oral Care because this probiotic blend has no taste and no odor and it will not change the taste or texture of your food.
As with any product, I think you should check with your Veterinarian before using a new product. Especially if your Cat has any health conditions, like me with feline diabetes and some food allergies. I have not tried this product yet because I am waiting on approval from my Doctors at The Morris Veterinary Clinic. I will know this Friday, April 8,2011, because my cousin Mercy is going for his check-up and my mom is going to ask about Teddy’s Pride Oral Care for me.
The nice people at Teddy’s Pride gave me a 60 day supply to give to one of my cousins. Just leave a comment below telling me the name of our cousin that needs fresher breath and why. I will choose one cousin at random to receive a free box. After you try Teddy’s Pride Oral Care, you will become a Triple T Reporter by telling us about your experience and results. Should be interesting, right?
If you can’t wait and would like to order a box of Teddy’s Pride Oral Care you can do so from their website.
Great post having good dental hygiene is really important especially for both humans and pets.
I wish my teeth were as easy to clean as my pet cat’s. Can’t imagine myself buying a tub of toothpaste for myself though! Hahaha.
Our kitties definitely need this. Poor Phoenix just had to get 5 teeth pulled a few weeks back, and she says she would much rather try this than go through that again!
Thank you for finding this product for us! I would love to try it for Cleo. He certainly has the stinkiest breath around. I fear it may be an indication of dental issues. Want to try this product to see if it will prevent issues for him in the future and make his breath more pleasant.
For tripod and Bette davis, my 2 sweet kitties…to give them better health and long, happy lives! Dr. Jane, in MN.
Abigail hates having certain things done – nail trimmings, brushing, ear cleaning, and yes, teeth cleaning. Even though she is now 8 and we have been together since she was 6 months old her attitude about these procedures has never improved. Not one bit. She has had one oral cleaning surgery (I call it that because she had to go under full anesthesia.) I love Abigail very much and would love to be able to clean her teeth some at home and thus reduce the number of times she needs the surgery. Little Miss Anna could benefit from the teeth cleaning too.
My Cali hates to even be examined by our vet, let alone getting her teeth brushed! She really needs this help!!!
I lost one of my cats to the complications of oral surgery so I am very concerned about this. Another nearly died after her oral infection spread to her liver. The ones I have left are all seniors (one is nearly 20) and I don’t think I’d survive having to brush their teeth every day, lol, so a sprinkle-on product would be great. We were using another product but it was very expensive. I’d love to give this product a try on my brood.
Both of my cats could use this. Lexy is a rescue who does not like anything “invasive”, even toothbrushing. The vet is a traumatic experience for her everytime. Lola is my other rescue, who came to me with a broken canine. With her recurring URI’s her breath is not, let’s say, “fresh”. This would be great for both of them.
My Cat bone’s needs this product. He is 13 years old and he lost most of his teeth and he also has bad breath. I want to keep him in the best health I can I would take him to get an oral cleaning but I don’t want to frighten him and also I don’t have the money to do the operation in fact I took him 2 weeks ago to the vet because of an ear infection and he was so scared ( poor kitty ) and it also was very expensive for me since I don’t work at this time. I want to try the sample and see if it works I will want to buy it andit will be much cheaper then the vet’s office. I would love to try the free sample for my lovely bone’s. Thank You Gracey !!
Chiku needs it badly! He has lost some teeth and his breath smells. I’d like him to keep his remaining teeth, but I’m afraid to put him under for a dental cleaning. He seems fine, but the veterinarian said his kidney function could be compromised during anesthesia based on some test results. I would rather try something that wouldn’t put him in harms way in order to keep my sweet boy around as long as possible. Thanks!
Both Cheetah and Fizzy could use fresher breath Gracey!
When my mom adopted me nine years ago as a little kitten, she told me she thought cute little kittens were suppose to have sweet kitten breath. But, now that I’m nine years old, she just figures this is the way it’s going to be. I, too, see the expression on my mom’s face when I wake her up in the morning with my morning kitty breath! She still loves me bad breath and all. However, I think I’m going to get her to pounce on this product to try asap! Thanks Gracey for the tip. Your cousin, Smoki
We adopted our feral cat, Binx, a year ago. He still has a bit of “wild” in him, and if we even try to open his mouth to take a good look at his teeth, he tries to snap at us. His breath is very “fishy” and we would love to have a product that would be easy to give him and that would give good results. Teddy’s Pride Oral Care sure fits the bill!
Our Duchess could desperately use these. She freaks out if I try to brush her teeth and sometimes her breathe is so bad, you have to double check which end of her is closest to you.
I have 3 cats that could use this but the one that needs it most is Snuggles.
I have 3 beautiful furkids who would love to try this, Pretty Kitty, Miss Kitty & Little Bit. Though Pretty Kitty would be most amenable as she doesn’t like to let mommy brush her teeth.