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All is Calm.
After the hustle and bustle, the parties, the planning, the gift-wrapping, the cookie baking and choir practice, Christmas Eve arrives. We enjoy the singing, the incense, and the fellowship at Midnight Mass and then return home to the quiet of the night. We put on our pajamas, sit by the fire and and enjoy a glass of wine or hot cocoa. It doesn’t take long for Annie, Eddie and Mercy to gather around us, each finding a warm place to snuggle. This is one of my favorite times during the holiday season. The rush is over, all is calm.
Annie loves to be near the fire. We know where to find her when the fireplace is glowing. She sits and watches at first and then she stretches out a long as possible taking in the warmth.
Mercy takes a spot on a stool by the kitchen island and waits patiently for a snack. He doesn’t meow or cry but just waits quietly. His determination will pay off because he knows we can’t resist his handsome face. The silence is broken as soon as the treat sack shakes because Annie comes running and leaping and meowing loudly in excitement. Eddie follows behind Annie but he is a cat of few words.
Christmas evening, we all once again gather around the fireplace and enjoy some quiet time. When it is time for us to turn in for the night the cats play tag, racing up and down the stairs. We hear them skidding and scampering all around the kitchen into the hall, down the stairs, up the stairs and we can’t help but laugh. When they are worn out, Annie is the first to leap into the bed and turn in circles before lying down.
Eddie comes a little later with his Little Lion. He places his buddy on the blankets for safe keeping and then curls up beside Annie. The house returns to the normal routine that the cats love the most. And I have to admit that I love the quiet time too. The few days between Christmas and New Year’s seem to take on a different cadence than other weeks. Just for this one week, the world seems to slow down allowing us a chance to rest. We hope you are able to slow down a bit too.
We wish you all the best in the New Year.
Happy New Year Joanne. May your year be blessed with love and joy.
Sue B
Happy New Year Sue!!! Wishing you all the best in 2015! Thank you for being a member of The Tiniest Tiger community.
Thank you again for sharing your lives with me. I hope you have a happy and healthy 2015, and I look forward to every post and email from you, they make me happy. <3
Ann, thank you so much for your kind words. You just made me happy. Wishing you a happy and healthy 2015 too. Thanks for being a member of The Tiniest Tiger community.
just stoppin bye ta say:
heerz two a burd free, happee, healthee N blessed 2015 ?????
Happy New You to you all too!! Thank you so much for stopping by. We appreciate you so much.
I wish my cat would sit quietly for treats the way Mercy does! She meows and meows until we eventually cave in (but only once a day, don’t want to spoil her too much!), because she knows, like Mercy does, that we will eventually say yes!
Danielle, well, Annie on the other hand….lol. Mercy is quiet most of the time except when Paul leaves for work. Then he cries and cries at the door. It is just heartbreaking. Annie is very chatty. Eddie is a cat of few words. lol
Thank you so much for being a member of The Tiniest Tiger community. Wishing you all the best in the New Year!