Paul and I are getting a late start on this new year. We both came down with a cold type illness that settled into bronchitis. It started with a sore throat and then quickly moved on to the chest congestion. I was the first to get sick just after Christmas. I began taking cough syrup every four hours and hit the mentholated rub too. I think I beat the worst of it but then it seemed to linger.
A couple days later, Paul came down with a sore throat and then the congestion followed. The next day we were meeting every four hours for cough medicine cocktails. Paul doesn’t like the smell of mentholated rub so he toughed it out without the comfort of camphor and menthol. On Saturday, he stayed in bed later than his usual 3:30 am wake up. He wasn’t feeling very energetic and thought the rest would do him good.
When I went to check on him a little later, all three cats were curled up and sleeping with him. He looked like one of those boards where your body gets surrounded by knives thrown by a magician. His body was outlined with the blanket with Annie on the right by his shoulder, Mercy on the left by his hip and Eddie curled up by his ankle on the right. All four of them were sleeping soundly.
There really is nothing like the comfort of a cat when you aren’t feeling well. From the gentle purring to the warm snuggle, they help us relax and feel better. I tiptoed out of the room hoping I didn’t start coughing and wake them all up.
That afternoon, I went in to take a nap. Not long after I crawled under the blanket, I was joined by Annie. She curled up in the crook of my neck and I turned on my side to put my arm around her. She then stretched out her paw and gently placed it on my hand. I smiled and drifted off to sleep.
We are on the mend now and plan to get caught up and on track for the new year soon.
Wishing you a Happy New Year and the comfort that your cats bring to you every day this year.
It’s so interesting how our furry felines can comfort us! Our youngest kitty, Tiki-Tiki, has this little chirp that she makes when she wants us to get on our backs so she can climb up and settle on our stomachs. She gets up there, turns around once or twice just to give us the old butt-in-the-face routine, then faces us and treads a bit on the pillow behind the head. Then she settles down and proceeds to purr until all concerned fall fast asleep. It’s truly precious!
awwwww that is so sweet. Annie insists I lay on my right side with my right arm out so that she can curl up as close as possible. After treading she settles down and then I must place my left arm around her to she and hold my hand with her paws. It just melts my heart.
Aren’t cats wonderful at making you feel better when we’re sick? Hope your both feeling better. I got a flu shot this year and still got the flu around Christmas. A lot stuff going around.
Sue B
Oh gosh. This year the flu is relentless. I hope you are feeling much better now too. And yes, the cats are the best medicine.
As a previous bronchitis sufferer you have my sympathies. I hope you feel well soon. It is no fun, debilitating, and you NEED cats!!
Yes, bronchitis is no fun. The fatigue after was intense too. Thank you for your well wishes. Hope you are doing well!!!
Cats surely are a comfort to us. There’s nothing like a purring kitty next to you when you’re under the weather. Glad you’re both on the mend.
Thank you so much. Yes, the purring kitty is the best. Thank you for taking the time to read our post.
It certainly is wonderful, how much better our cats can make us feel, even when we’re at our worst. I’m glad you and Paul are on the road to healthy again, and I’m grateful to be part of your ‘internet family’, I love your posts. Here’s to a great New Year and more fun with the kitties. <3
Thank you Ann! We got a slow start to this year for sure. Now that it is almost February we are back on track. We are grateful to have you as part of our internet family and thank you for loving the posts. Here’s to a great New Year…..or eleven months now. 🙂
It sounds like you got some good nursing from the kitties!
You kitties are the best nurses. xoxo