Friends, I understand that my parents have a lot of different things to do to maintain our habitat. And I really do appreciate everything they do to keep me safe and comfortable, but yesterday, I would have appreciated them even more if they would have realized how important it was for them to open the mail for me!
Can you imagine how excited I was when I saw the envelope addressed to me, Gracey, The Tiniest Tiger from my Friend Winky? Oh boy, I just couldn’t wait to see my new toys that I won from the auction Tiny Timmy sponsored to help our Friend Myron Wood.
But I had to wait. I had to wait all afternoon and into the early evening. In fact, I had to wait until after the sun room was locked at the 8:00 pm curfew. I kept trying to tell them to open the mail, but they would look at my Chow Bowl (Code Green) and then check my Drinkwell Water Fountain which was flowing free and clear, then they would just pet my head or scratch me behind my ears. Sometimes, I don’t understand how they are able to get along in the world when it takes them so long to understand the simplest of things. ~sigh~
My mom decided that maybe I would like a treat. And to be honest, that wasn’t a bad idea. So she placed a couple of my Hill’s Prescription Diet Hypoallergenic Treats in a Treat Toy. The package says it is a fun toy that dispenses treats. It also says that is is mentally and physically satisfying.
You know what I find mentally and physically satisfying? When my mom dispenses the treats directly to my mouth! Now I know there are many of my cousins that like these contraptions. But I don’t understand why we need to complicate the snack process.
See, there are my treats, inside the treat toy. Then they put the toy together and I am supposed to use my paws to knock the treats out of the toy. I voiced my refusal to participate and collapsed on the floor feeling weak from their lack of understanding that I wanted them to open the mail!
After about 1000 hours, my mom sees the package from Winky and she says “Oh Gracey, look you got a package from Winky!” ~Finally~ She opens the package and places not one but two toys on the counter! TWO!
This was so exciting to see a Winky Woctopus and a Winky Wion. I couldn’t wait to play with my new toys. My mom gave me the Winky Woctopus first.
It was love at first sniff. Mom tried to take it back from me and I took a swipe at her. I know I should not have done that, but I had to wait all day to play with my new Winky toys. My parents laughed when I growled at my dad when he tried to take Winky Woctopus away from me. He worries too much. He thought that I might bite off the eyes and choke, but Winky thought of everything and the eyes are sewn on snug as can be.
Winky told me his mom buys special safety eyes-the kind they put in teddy bears and kids toys. …the eyes have a post on them, and they come with these little nuts that you push on, they are like zip ties… once you get them past the first ridge, there is no turning back!!
My mom mentioned saving the Winky Wion because he is so cute and special. But I snagged it with my back feet. I am not giving up my Winky Toys.
Thank you Winky and Winky’s Mom for making such great and fun toys!
Is there any way that we can send you Christmas gifts?? I have one in mind (my cats have gone through 3 of them!!) and would love for you to have one!!!
Oh boy!! That is so nice of you. But you really don’t have to unless you really want to.
You can send me a message to
Love the Winky toys! Must make my mom get me some!
You will love Winky’s toys!