- The Tiniest Tiger’s Backyard Peace Treaty
- War and Peanut! Breach of Treaty or Just Hungry?
- The Tiniest Tiger and Lazy Leopard Wait Patiently
- Backyard Peace Treaty Surveillance
- War and Peanut! Cause for Concern
- War & Peanut! The Neighbor Cat
- War and Peanut! Bossy Backyard Blue Jay Speaks
- War and Peanut! A Pair of Pilferers?
- War and Peanut! New Suspects.
- New Evidence in Peanut Predicament
- War and Peanut:The Tiniest Tiger Thinks
- War and Peanut! Red-Tailed Hawk Returns
- War and Peanut! Expert Consultation
- Lazy Leopard to Light Up the Night Sky!
- The Bad Kitty Back Up Plan
- The Tiniest Tiger Waits for The Night Tiger
- The Night Tiger Visits!
- The Peace Peanut Thief Exposed!
- Bossy Backyard Blue Jay Returns.
- The Peace Peanut is Back
Friends, as you can see the peanut that Bossy Backyard Blue Jay (BBBJ) placed on the windowsill as his signature to the Backyard Peace Treaty is missing. Lazy Leopard is not surprised. I say, let’s not jump to conclusions and think the worst of BBBJ.
It has been raining a lot. My parents have not filled the feeders and put out fresh peanuts for the squirells and birds for a few days. It might not be War and Peanut! Breach of Treaty or Just Hungry?
So The Tiniest Tiger is Wondering…What do you think the missing peanut means?
He was hungry!! It’s winter and food can be hard to find!!!
HA! Bossy Backyard Blue Jay!!
Thanks for being you! You brighten my day everyday, as do my own kitties! I love you all!
Thank you for being my Friend, Judy. You brighten my day too.
Gracey, I think “someone” was just hungry, cause I know you work hard at keeping the peace!
Thank you Janet, I try my best. Lazy Leopard must have been asleep. He is supposed to be stalking the windowsill round the clock.