Happy Wednesday! Today I have a lot on my mind, so I am going to stay here on my sheep-style blanket and contemplate for a while. Who can guess what I am thinking?
Leave your best guess in a comment below this post here on our Conservation Cub Club. Let’s see which comment gets the most “likes”. I am choosing a nice prize for the most likes. Meow for now!
You can find the clue here.
Lazy Leopard said this is like clicker training for humans. hahahaha.
I am sorry that I am late getting to this story. I know you are thinking about how it would be possible for there to be Peace (for mankind and animals) everyday on Earth, not just one day. You look so beautiful and peaceful in that picture sweet Gracey. By the way, I love your new Logo picture on the other page 🙂
You are sitting quietly thinking how to keep peace within your household & backyard (especially with Bossy Bluejay & the cat next door) & hoping that many others around the world will do the same & think about how to live peacefully in this world. Hope you enjoyed your International Day of Peace!
If mom will look away for just one second, I may be able to steal a sip of her water.
Now that your dad has fixed the little table , and taken away anything for you to bat off, maybe you are thinking of something you could carry up on the little table, that would make a fun noise when dropped???
I know what you thinking of Gracey.How can I get to my catnip.
Dear Gracey, knowing you, you are thinking about how you can help some other kitties in need! Like Willow’s poor little friend Adlai. (Willow FB friends will know what I am talking about).
I could go for some nice catnip!
How to get that potted fig alone…
Of course you are thinking about what you will be for halloween!
Oh Gracie, with the utter concentration in those beautiful eyes, you must be thinking of how to organize the upcoming holiday season and the many activities it will entail. (Or maybe mousie daydreaming) 🙂
You have one eye on Bossy Blue Jay while trying to decide what to get into with Lazy Leopard so that you both don’t get into trouble.
You’re probably thinking that you need a lizard friend. All cats need a lizard friend to watch – plus, they are good luck for homes! The Cog has many lizard friends and Bree tries to eat them all the time. She never succeeds other than occasionally landing herself a tail – she’s growing her collection of lizard tails. >^..^<
You’re probably thinking that you need a lizard friend. All cats need a lizard friend to watch – plus, they are good luck for homes! The Cog has many lizard friends and Bree tries to eat them all the time. She never succeeds other than occasionally landing herself a tail – she’s growing her collection of lizard tails. >^..^<
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hmm maybe i’ll go and check out the new kitten down the street.
Hmm, now if I can just figure out how to get mom to give me extra treats today….
Thinking about a walk in the great outdoors?