Fall Feels Like a New Beginning
Fall is one of my favorite times of the year because it still feels like a new beginning. There is a chill in the morning air, Pumpkin Spice Latte is back and fall semester has begun at Miami University. I like grabbing a hot cup of coffee, logging in and reading the students’ portfolio of work. So many great projects and ideas, photos and conversations about their summer expeditions. I learn every day and feel inspired by their work. I am lucky and grateful to be part of the Global Field Program at Miami.
Another perk of teaching in the program is being able to log into the university library. No, it doesn’t smell the same as being in the actual library, but for me, being able to get lost looking through all the recently published articles is a great way to relieve stress. And Annie seems to love looking through the library too. She sits beside me on my desk and watches the screen. I am almost certain she is only following the cursor, but I tell you, she sure is good company.
This past year has been a difficult one. As you know losing Gracey was a major heartbreak for us. When we passed the one year anniversary, I felt like I should start to feel better, and I do, but there are still so many reminders of our little girl. I realize how many projects just didn’t get completed. There have been a couple other things preoccupying our time but it looks like things will soon sort themselves out.
Eddie and His Little Lion
When I posted this photo of Eddie on our facebook page, Wendi commented that she loved how Eddie always looks like he’s about to say something. This really made me laugh because he really does, doesn’t he? Eddie is such a sweet little boy. He is so quiet except when he is looking for Annie. He calls for her with the highest pitch little cry. Eddie’s favorite toy is a little stuffed lion and he carries it with him from room to room all day. He places the lion by his food bowl for safekeeping when he is in the sun room. And at night he brings his tattered little mouse toy to join the lion for the night.
Update: Just today, Eddie took his little lion with him into the sun room. I love the look on his face. He is seriously guarding his little lion.
Eddie is also a bit of a bed hog. He stretches out as long as possible. I really don’t know how he does it. He looks at least twice as long as he should be. Annie and Eddie still curl up together for the night but not before they wrestle and race around the house.
Mercy is Such a Gentle Cat
Mercy is such a gentle cat. He is just perfect really. Sometimes when I see him with Paul’s mom it almost makes me cry. She loves him so much and he loves her right back. Here is one of our favorite photos of the two of them.
Yesterday I heard her talking to Mercy in the sun room and it melted my heart.
Eddie keeps Paul’s mom company while she eats her breakfast. He sits on the stool beside her. Perhaps he thinks he will be served an egg too, but it hasn’t happened yet. Maybe one day.
“Nobody is Sweeter Than Annie”
In the early hours of the morning, Annie comes up to snuggle with me. She kneads and purrs and I pet her from head to the tip of her tail. I did this with Gracey too. I think Annie knows when I need her the most and she comes to my rescue. She then curls up in a tight little ball in the crook of my neck with her little pink nose on my cheek. And I think about how Donna from Grayson County Humane Society said, “Nobody is sweeter than Annie” and she was right, well maybe it is a three way tie.
Fall is a New Beginning
Since Fall still feels like a new beginning, I decided to take a deep breath, forgive myself for not completing all the things I started and pick them back up now. Gracey is forever in our hearts and I see her sometimes when I look at Annie. And that is alright. It makes me smile.
Thank you for taking this journey with us.
A few years ago my beloved cat Yittle died after being my constant companion for 14 years. Despite the fact we have a house full of cats, including little Freya who’s my current profile picture – it left a rather predictable kitty-shaped void in my heart. We ended up rescuing 2 more cats a few months later – one of whom Kerry fell utterly in love with me. So much so that if he hasn’t seen me in a while he completely loses control when he greets me – he quivers from head to toe, flutters his tail, kneads the ground and mewls at me while drooling. He’s just so excited and he wants to make sure I know it. I like to tell Kerry “isn’t it wonderful, you needed a Mommy and I needed a Baby, and together we were able to rescue each other”.
That is so sweet to hear about Kerry getting so super excited to see you. It is wonderful that you found each other.
You know I’m all teary-eyed now. What a sweet and heartfelt post. The picture of Paul’s mom and Mercy is just perfect … it shows the genuine love between them. How can anyone say cats are stand-offish? They just don’t know the cats we know. And I love the story about Eddie’s little lion toy. I’ve never had a cat who loved a toy so much he/she carried it around, although I did sometimes find various toys in my bed. Sweet! I am sure that our dear Gracey had a paw in helping Eddie and Annie find their way to you. And I am sure that somewhere over the Rainbow Bridge, Gracey is sitting in the sun with my Claude, who is undoubtedly in love with her. I know what you mean about missing them.
Our Hazel had a rainbow fish toy that she carried with her. That poor little fish was so tattered but she didn’t care. She carried it with her for 18 years. I really like that image of Claude and Gracey sitting in the sun together. They are always in our hearts.
Beautiful post as always. The photo of Mercy and Paul’s Mom made me tear up and smile at the same time. To me this photo shows that cats DO have emotions. You can tell from the way Mercy is hugging her and looking right in her eyes.
You really can see the love, can’t you? Cats do have emotions and anyone who, like us shares their lives with a cat knows this. Thank you for being a part of The Tiniest Tiger community.
awesome post today Joanne; I honestly cant say which photo I like the best; or which short story ? Laura
the tabbies tell the crew:
heerz two a mooneye & mackerull kinda week oh end ?
Thank you for reading Laura. we really appreciate you being part of The Tiniest Tiger community.
Mercy is so handsome.
Thanks for reading, Michele.
Thank you for sharing Annie, Eddie and Mercy with us. I, like all of your followers, also love to see their pictures and hear the little tidbits you share about them, and you. The picture of Mercy and Paul’s mom touched my heart deeply – I am in the process of getting ready to say goodbye to my Peanut, and I have many memories of her looking at me the way Mercy is looking at Paul’s mom, in my heart, where they will be, always. I find comfort in your words, thank you for that. <3
Ann, I am so sorry to hear that you will be saying goodbye to Peanut. We understand how difficult it is to lose our loved ones. Our thoughts are with you. Those happy memories really do bring comfort and I wish that for you.
This was such a lovely post to read! All of your cats are wonderful and I love learning more about them. Eddie sounds so cute with his little lion toy! I also am glad that you get to see a little bit of Gracey in Annie, while our pets may be gone, of course they are always in our hearts <3
Thank you for reading Danielle. We love sharing our lives with Annie, Eddie and Mercy. Each cat is so unique with wonderful qualities of their very own. Eddie is so sweet with his little lion toy. Annie sings when she carried her mouse toy. I am trying to catch her on video but she is just like her big cat cousins and reluctant to be caught on camera. 😉
What a lovely acknowledgement of the change of seasons – both on the calendar AND the emotional season. I can appreciate that sentiment.
Paul’s mom is quite fortunate to be loved by at least two humans and 3+ kitties (I cannot exclude Gracey!).
This week things are looking a little happier here as well. I have had 2 foster pups move thru my life in the last 10 days. And I met a creaky old man cat at the humane society over Labor Day weekend. He was an old (~15yrs) stray and in horrid condition. But he had a marvelously creaky meow. After my 20 cat cages were clean, I spent another 20 minutes with him. I offered to be his hospice foster if the medical eval indicated he could do so with some quality of life and love.
Unfortunately his kidneys had nearly failed and other indicators were very poor. But the wonderful vet and tech gave him another loving session and he passed as he was purring from the loves.
In a way I felt like it was a ‘message’ from Marbles and Toes that I should start looking for my new friends, since I want to rescueadopt a bonded pair…with a few years on them.
You are amazing providing love and care for so many cats in need. I believe that Marbles and Toes are guiding you to the bonded pair that will be prefect for you. Change of seasons always bring newness and hope. Thank you for being here with us on the journey.
Wonderfully written! The photo of Paul’s mom and Mercy is too precious! You can see the love they have for each other!
Thank you Nikki. They just adore each other. Thank you for being part of The Tiniest Tiger community.