And suddenly we are approaching the end of October. It doesn’t seem possible, yet there is a distinct crisp chill in the air and the leaves are all turning color. This is the time of year the warmth from morning coffee begins to feel good in your hands. Even the ginkgo tree is starting to fade from glorious green to soft yellow in preparation for the late October-early November leaf dance when she will shed all of her leaves in a shower of gold.
Gracey and the Maple Leaf
This morning when I stepped out into the brisk air to grab the newspaper, once again a single large Maple leaf was waiting for me in the driveway. Gracey was so afraid of these big leaves as they scratched their way across the driveway. One October, I picked up one of the big scary leaves and brought it inside for Gracey to examine and hopefully put her fears to rest.
This is a photo of Gracey with Bad Kitty watching the leaves blow in the yard. I can’t keep the door open now with Annie, the wild one. She attacks the screen. Maybe in a few more years?
The Big Maple Leaf
So, just like last year, I picked up the big beautiful Maple leaf to share with the cats.
As usual, Annie is the first to check out the leaf. She is brave and the boys make sure she is alright before they approach.
Mercy is next to inspect the leaf. He decides it is interesting enough to merit a closer look.
Then in one swift motion, Eddie picked up the stem in his mouth and like a leopard drug the leaf up to the top of the Cat Power Tower. He plucked the leaf away from Annie and Mercy leaving them stunned. Our little Eddie is coming into his own.
After a moment, Annie decided she wasn’t finished with the leaf. She joined Eddie on top of the tower to further investigate the leaf. Mercy decided he was through with the leaf.
This is one of my favorite photos from last year. Annie and Eddie were dancing with the Maple leaf.
We hope you are enjoying your October too!
How fun! We don’t get any really interesting foliage here in SoCal.
What a cute post. I bet that is so cute watching them. Fall sure is here. I cannot believe Christmas is so close.
Sue B