Eddie and Annie
We celebrate Annie and Eddie’s birthdays on Valentine’s Day because when they came into our lives they helped heal our broken hearts. As hard as this is to believe, our kittens are turning five! I don’t know how that is even possible.
The photo above is from the first few days as they were settling into our home. They remain closely bonded and share a good part of their days together. In the afternoon, they take some alone time but more often than not, where there is one, I can find the other.
Every day, Eddie walks around the house and checks all the windows and doors, checks the perimeter of the sunroom before he eats his breakfast. After breakfast, he plays with a few of his toys before calling for Annie.
I wanted to share a few photos of Annie and Eddie over the years.

Watching it snow.

Annie and Eddie One of my favorite photos of the two kittens.
Early this morning Annie snuggled up to sleep on the bed while Eddie was doing his security check. When he completed his rounds, he began singing and looking for Annie. I called his name and he jumped up on the bed and curled up beside Annie and rested his head on my hand.
I took extra time this morning to spend quiet time with Annie and Eddie to feel grateful for all of the love and joy they bring into our lives.
Wishing you a Happy Valentine’s Day and hope you get to spend time with your loved ones too.