5th Annual National Children’s Pet Poetry Contest Ksenia – Grade: 8 – Eighth Grade – Brooklyn, NY Those furry paws And friendly face Are one in a million That meow he does When he wants food Those eyes he gives So kind and sweet When I look at him My heart beats faster When he sleeps near me He warms…
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Walkin’ in a Kitty Wonderland Photo Winners!
Walkin’ in a Kitty Wonderland Photo Winners! Our friends at Purina and Petco offered some great holiday decorating tips for you in their latest edition of Purina Purr. I was super curious how you and your cat decorate for the holidays and asked you to share with me photos of your cat and any special holiday decorating you do with…
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African Lions Need Your Signature Now!
The African Lion needs our help. Hope for Lions through Protection Some of you might remember when we talked about The African Lion Hope through Protection last year. If so, you might remember that on March 1, 2011, an alliance of wildlife protection and conservation groups petitioned the Secretary of the Interior to list the African lion as an endangered…
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International Cheetah Day
December 4 is International Cheetah Day Khayam was the inspiration for today. The Cheetah Conservation Fund (CCF) has declared December 4 to be International Cheetah Day. The cheetah is not just the fastest, but the oldest of the big cats having survived over 3 million years of glaciations and warming cycles, and even its own genetic bottleneck. But with habitat…
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Our Welcome Home Snowman
Our Welcome Home Snowman is Glowing Bright!
The Power of One Tiny Kitten
Gracey’s Kitten Photo Gracey Came Into Our Lives One Cold December Day Gracey, The Tiniest Tiger came into our lives without warning one cold December day. While looking for a friend’s missing dog, we decided to check the local pound. We were not expecting to find a tiny kitten shivering on the cold cement floor nor were we prepared for…
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Gracey’s Super Easy Mashed Potatoes Recipe for Distraction
The Thanksgiving Menu Preparations Preparations are being made in my habitat for Thanksgiving dinner. This means all different types of foods are prepared at once and the smells wafting from the kitchen can be overwhelming! A cat’s nose has to work extra hard to determine the origin of these smells. And this is more difficult than you think, because the…
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What All Cat Parents Need to Know About Diabetes
Dr. Ruth MacPete is our guest today! I am honored to introduce you to Dr. Ruth MacPete. Dr. Ruth, “the Pet Vet”, has appeared on TV shows like “The Doctors” and on the TV news programs throughout the country educating pet parents about important pet issues. She has also written numerous articles for Cat Fancy, Bark, and Kittens USA. Dr….
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The Adventures of Gracey, The Tiniest Tiger at Denver Elementary
The Tiniest Tiger Talks at Science and Literacy Night I had so much fun and met so many new friends last week when I visited Denver Elementary during their first Science and Literacy Family Fun Night! The school planned this great event so that families could see that science and reading are not only important but can be fun too! …
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My Favorite Tree and Memories of my Grandpa
November Memories of my Grandpa October has passed by and now there is a short lull before Thanksgiving and onto the rush of the Holiday Season. I like this break between Halloween and Thanksgiving, while we prepare our habitat for winter. Thicker and softer blankets come out of hiding and my heated thinking circle takes its place in the sun…
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Black Cats Bring Good Luck. Here’s the Proof
Black Cats Bring Good Luck The Scottish believe that the random appearance of a black cat at your doorstep foreshadows prosperity. Since my mom is of Scottish descent, she and my dad must have known that when my brother Mercy was just a tiny little kitten fending for himself in the alley behind our old house, he was going to…
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The Petties 2012 Best Blog Post Award
We are truly honored. We are truly honored to have won The Petties 2012 Best Blog Post Award. We were thrilled to be finalists and when we learned of the other finalists in our category, all super talented wonderful friends and fellow cat writers, we knew we would be thrilled no matter who won, because Dogtime Media makes a generous…
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If Cat People are Crazy, Dog People are Ditzy!
Why are cat lovers called crazy? Lazy Leopard and I have to get this off our chests. We are tired of the term Crazy being used to describe humans that love and care for cats. Why crazy? I understand that the words flow, I too am a fan of alliteration. The Tiniest Tiger™, Conservation Cub Club™, feline finesse™, you see…
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