Tell Bissell Your Carpet Confessions! You and 5 of your Friends can Win Deep Cleaning Prize Packages! One Person will be the $2500 Cash Grand Prize Winner! Psssst! What’s Your Dirty Little Secret? You can tell me. And to make it even easier, I will go first. When I am a little upset with one or both of my parents, I…
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Pet Food Labels: What you need to know.
Pet food labels can be just as confusing as human food labels, don’t you think? Last week my mom and I were invited to Hill’s Pet Nutrition to learn about Hill’s Pet Food Brands including Hill’s Science Diet® and Hill’s Prescription Diet® formulas. We also learned about some exciting new products that we will talk about in a future post. But before…
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My Favorite Front Yard Tree, The Ginkgo Tree
GinkGo Tree is My Favorite Tree As many of you know, I am a bit of a scaredy cat. When the weather starts to turn cold and October appears on the calendar, one of the spookiest times of year begins. And I don’t mean Halloween. I mean when the leaves from the trees begin to fall and dance across our…
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People Saving Pets empowered by PetSmart Charities
November 8 is Volunteer Action Day! People Saving Pets™ is a social movement empowered by PetSmart Charities® that is dedicated to saving the lives of adoptable pets and solving the homeless pet problem by uniting pet lovers and inspiring local action.On Tuesday, November 8, in conjunction with National Animal Shelter Appreciation Week (Nov 6-12), People Saving Pets is introducing Volunteer…
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Mother Lion Saves Cub in Kenya’s Masai Mara
Even though Kenya’s Masai Mara is a protected area, it doesn’t mean that our big cat cousins don’t get into trouble. Recently a young lion cub got himself into a life threatening predicament when he slipped over the edge and was clinging for survival on a cliff wall above a ravine. The cub’s mother’s love and determination to save him was…
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Owning Wild Animals: Stats on Exotic Pets (Infographic)
From Live Science, an Infographic on Owning Wild Animals!
Tell Ohio It’s Time to Ban Dangerous Exotic Animals
Yesterday, not too far from my habitat, innocent animals that had been living in deplorable conditions were set free from their cages and their owner was found dead on the farm where he kept these animals. The media began reporting that lions and tigers and bears were on the loose in Muskingum County. But the truth was that most of…
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Compassion For Cats Coast to Coast National Feral Cat Day
Today is National Feral Cat Day and we here at The Tiniest Tiger’s Conservation Cub Club care for all cats big and small. Our Friends at Alley Cat Allies work hard to help our feral cousins and they also try to help humans learn the truth about our outdoor cats. Here are some of the facts from our friends at…
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10 Little Things My Parents Love About Me
Today my parents were working away cleaning and carrying on and I was feeling a little neglected. After a couple of hours, I had to put my paw down. I walked into the office and meowed with all my might. They both stopped dead in their tracks and looked at me. I was like, well, are you going to pay attention…
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Mike Arms Iams Hero Award Given to Austin Humane Society
Mike Arms is one of my heroes. He is a super smart big hearted animal lover that has led the way by setting the bar for the highest of standards for animal centers. As president of the Helen Woodward Animal Center in San Diego, Mike has been at the forefront of changing the lives of animals for the better through…
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3 Easy Steps Cats Can Take to Avoid Getting a Time Out.
I thought this would be a perfect time to teach some of our less experienced kittens on how to avoid getting a time out when you are just about to get caught in what might appear to be an act of mischief. I have the technique narrowed down to 3 Easy Steps. Stop Drop And Curl! Here is an example….
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Top 5 Halloween Costumes for Cats by Bossy Backyard Blue Jay
Recently Bossy Backyard Blue Jay came to visit me in the Sun Room to turn in his bird food inventory request list for me to give to my parents. As the weather turns cold, our bird friends rely on us to fill their feeders with all kinds of treats including, sunflower seeds, peanuts, suet cakes, cracked corn and more. Well…
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Following the Footsteps of Francis- Happy World Animal Day
“If you have men who will exclude any of God’s creatures from the shelter of compassion and pity, you will have men who will deal likewise with their fellow men” – Francis of Assisi Happy World Animal Day! Today we celebrate the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of animals. It is also appropriately and perhaps because…
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