Friends, as members of our The Tiniest Tiger’s Conservation Cub Club we care for all earth’s creatures, both big and small. Even though we focus most of our attention on cats, we should not lose sight of loving and caring for all living beings. I get super worried about our cousins in need waiting at shelters for loving forever homes….
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Please Consider Staying Home with your Cat on 4th of July
This 4th of July, I am going to ask you to consider staying home with your cat. And to consider creating a safe place of refuge from the noises of the holiday. I know there are a lot of festivities and plenty of fun things to do but can you do these things during the day and then plan on…
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When I’m a Little Stinker it’s Bissell to the Rescue!
We cats are super fastidious about being clean. And I like my water fountain and my bowls to be pristine. I also like my chow bowl to have plenty of food and my back up water supply to be filled to the rim. I like my rugs, blankets, thinking circles, chair cushions and pillows to be washed and smelling fresh…
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Bissell Invites Animal Lovers to Help Homeless Pets Find Homes
Bissell Homecare, Inc, has been a long time supporter of pet adoption, is launching an online fundraising campaign to help homeless pets across the country find loving forever homes. From today through September, for each new fan that registers on Bissell’s Facebook page, the company will donate 50 cents to the Foundation towards its goal of $50,000 in 2011….
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John Vaillant, Author of The Tiger Chats with Gracey
Friends, it is my privilege to introduce to you Mr. John Vaillant, the author of The Tiger: A True Story of Vengeance and Survival (Knopf,2010). John’s book is a bestseller in the U.S. and Canada and has won numerous awards, including British Columbia’s National Award for Non-Fiction. John’s first book, The Golden Spruce (Norton, 2005), was also an award-winning bestseller….
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Keep Wildlife in the Wild Week June 20-24
Born Free USA’s third annual Keep Wildlife in the Wild Week, June 20-24 was started with the goal of taking care of wild animals not just around the world but in your own back yards! Adam Roberts, executive vice president of Born Free USA, says the goal of Keep Wildlife in the Wild Week, is to get people to stop,…
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The Tiger by John Vaillant Author Video
I had the honor of interviewing John Vaillant, the author of The Tiger: A True Story of Vengeance and Survival and I will be posting our interview here on our Conservation Cub Club on Friday, June 24. Here is the Author Video for The Tiger. [youtube][/youtube] John has graciously offered to give away a signed copy of his book. If you have…
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My Dad is Reading Cat Fancy and Now I am Worried!
My dad doesn’t realize that I can see him from on top of my Cat Power Tower in the sunroom. He is sitting in the kitchen, drinking his tea and reading a magazine. But not just any magazine, he is reading the August issue of Cat Fancy that arrived at our habitat yesterday. Now you might not think that reading…
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How I Know I Am Sweeter Than Sugar!
My dad and I have a morning ritual. We both get up super early, way before the sun. Then we sit at the counter in the kitchen and Dad reads the news and makes a cup of tea. Early this morning, I got overly eager about our morning ritual so I woke my dad up at 1:30 a.m. He said,…
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Lazy Leopard’s Twitter Trouble
Friends, I have tried to warn Lazy Leopard to be careful what he shares on his twitter account. Bad Kitty didn’t want him to get his own account just for this very reason. You see, Lazy Leopard is somewhat ornery. He likes to have fun and sometimes he just doesn’t think ahead before he acts. The laptop computer was left…
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Cat Power Tower! The Ultimate Cat Entertainment Center
Friends, Please give a warm welcome to Pat, the feline behind the creation of the Cat Power Tower. GRACEY: Pat, first I want to welcome you to our Conservation Cub Club. I am truly honored to be interviewing a creative genius. Not only are you the Chief Feline Officer at Cat Power Tower, weren’t you also instrumental in the design…
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How is dry kibble made? Iams & Eukanuba Behind the Paw
After my mom returned from the Iams & Eukanuba Behind the Paw summit, I had a lot of questions about how dried kibble is made. I told my mom that just because she has had the opportunity to visit and see behind the scenes at many food manufacturing facilities, doesn’t mean that the rest of us know what an auger…
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Behind the Paw Influencer Summit- Iams Plant Tour
When I sent my mom Behind the Paw, she had the opportunity to tour the P&G Pet Care Leipsic, Ohio Plant. This is the plant that makes all the Iams and Eukanuba dry kibble for both cats and dogs. My mom is a veteran of the food industry and she has toured and worked with many facilities that produce foods…
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