Eddie picture perfect
Now that the periodical cicada have gone away, there is a lot less noise and and flying activity in the backyard for the cats to observe but there is still plenty to see and keep them entertained. The birds are back at the feeders and groundhogs are snooping around again. We even saw the fox trot through our yard for the first time since the cicada invasion.
Summer is here now in full force and there are sun puddles everywhere for the cats to nap. They have a fan and ice water to enjoy while they take care of backyard surveillance. With a sofa, cat beds, rugs, and the cat power tower to choose from, you never know where you will find the cats sleeping.
Eddie is photogenic and he doesn’t seem to mind being a model. Annie on the other hand, goes out of her way to look away from the camera and fuss and fidget. Today she looked so cute all stretched out on the coffee table in the sunroom. But as soon as the camera is ready she looks away. Notice Eddie photobombing the photo.
Almost. She tried to bat the camera away from her and then gave me the squinty eyes. Notice Eddie ready for his closeup in the background.
Annie refuses to look at the camera while Eddie pretends to be uninterested in the camera.
Eddie seems to be pleased that he is still the best model.
Mercy might just disagree with Eddie as he is quite the model too. We think all three cats are perfect.
Do your cats like to pose for the camera?
Kai has become quite a camera ‘hog’. He is very happy with his life supervising me.
I just love all three of them so much!
Beautiful kitties. Most of mine don’t like the camera.
Sue B
I guess Annie takes after me. I don’t like photos either.
Oh this is simply a lovely post! It made us smile and we love your cats!
Eddie, Mercy and Annie, p;ease tell your mum that a blogpost is in the works about Mum’s fabulous travelling Pink Kitty Bag. It racks up two compliments at least every time she takes it out with her. It is wonderful – we will let you know when the post is up! THANK YOU!!!!
Oh how exciting. We can’t wait to see your post. We are so happy you like your Pretty in Pink Cat Handbag!!!
Annie and Eddie and Mercy!! What a great combination of purrsonalities! Princess LOVED to ham it up. Big Bad Baby Twinkle enjoyed posing as the Despotik Kat of All Time. My Sweet Cee Cee, altho a bold and brassy cat, was a bit camera shy.
Princess is so beautiful.
I learned that if I pose nice for the camera, I get treats! So I enjoy it. Binga thinks she should get treats, even if she poses badly and causes trouble.
Annie is like Binga. You are a professional model!
uz boyz like ta ham it up in front oh de camera.. but if dai$y even THINKS her seez de camera; sheez off like a shot ~~~~~~~~ yur fotoz rock annie, eddie & mercy ???
The boys are hams. 🙂
My Ollie was finicky about pictures… He’d have moments of wanting to pose, but mostly he was a stinker and, even whilst mostly blind, he’d sense it and turn his head. LOL! Gizzy, our new guy is coming around to having a camera in his face. 🙂 =^..^=
Annie is like Ollie. She turns her head at the last minute almost every time.