Welcome Year of The Tiger
The Year of the Tiger begins February 1st, 2022! The Tiger is a symbol of strength, bravery and exorcising evils. Chinese people believe what you do at the beginning of the new year will affect your entire year! So with that in mine, we want to begin this year with a new post to say thank you for being our friend and for your support of The Tiniest Tiger.
Tigers are the most iconic species on Earth. Panthera estimates that only 4,500 of the cats remain in the wild, with some populations close to extinction, including the Malayan subspecies. From India to Russia, Thailand to Indonesia, tigers are a symbol of power and grace. But they also embody hope. The hope for a future where the world’s most charismatic species not only survive but thrive.

Panthera is asking each of us to make the “Tiger Promise.” When you make this promise, you commit to learning more about these incredible cats and share what you learn with others. By raising awareness, you are helping protect them.
- Help raise awareness about the crisis facing the big cats by educating yourself and sharing factual, timely information with your friends and family;
- Do not buy or use products containing (or saying they contain) tiger or other wildlife parts, including Traditional Medicine like tiger plasters and tiger bone wine;
- Do not buy or use trinkets or decorative items made from tigers or illegally traded wildlife parts.
- Refrain from using products containing unsustainable palm oil — a substance found in thousands of commonly used items that contributes to the wholesale destruction of wild cat habitat;
- Do not visit or support attractions that offer opportunities to handle wild cats, including petting and feeding, walking or taking photos with them;
- When planning a zoo visit, look for local WAZA, EAZA, AZA and other accredited zoos that contribute to wild tiger conservation;
- Wherever you live, vote for government representatives and legislation that protect endangered species.
- Stand up for science!
- If you are a U.S. citizen, let your Members of Congress know that you’d like them to support the Big Cat Public Safety Act!
We promise to try our best to do better to stay in touch too. Thank you for being there for us .