CATS Continue to Rule the Bissell MVP Pet Photo Contest!
Super Hurrah and Congratulations to Kaye Brady’s Jerri and
Amy E’s Grady for claiming the top two spots in Week 6!
Calling all Cats! Here we go Week 6 already!
We Cats have rulled the contest so far. But before we celebrate too extensively, let’s not forget we have 7 more weeks. I say let sleeping dogs lie, and let’s continue our winning streak! Those dogs don’t stand a chance with so many cute cats!
2011 Bissell MVP Pet Photo Contest!
I was so proud to be chosen the winner of the 2010 Bissell MVP Pet Photo Contest! The best part was that Bissell donated $10,000 to our pet charity of choice
Last year Bad Kitty started the Go Cats! War Room so that we could find all of our cousins that have entered each week and make it easier to VOTE! And Bad Kitty has decided to do it again this year.
Here is what you need to do.
1. Enter your pet in the Bissell Contest by clicking here
Bissell MVP Enter A Photo Now
2. Come back here to the Bad Kitty’s Go Cats! War Room and post your Entry Number and link.
For Example:
Mercy Entrant # 136
This is not a real entry, just an example
Make sure that your post is typed in as a hyper link. Meaning that everyone can click on it and it will take them directly to your pet’s page in the Bissell contest.
Remember that all pets are welcome!
Cats, dogs, horses, goats, toads, all pets.
This is a retracted claws only War Room* If anyone is mean and tries to scratch another Friend, we will remove you from the Go Cats! War Room.
*Unless you are a Cheetah and you can’t retract your claws, but you will have to show Bad Kitty proof. And he is not easily fooled being a Cheetah himself.
OK! Let’s get ready for Week 6!
Shadow, entrant #63792