Happy Mother’s Day!
Our Mother’s Day post written by Gracey was one of our most popular. So Annie and Eddie thought they would follow in her paw prints and celebrate this Mother’s Day with their own tribute to the things mothers do for us for which we are grateful whether we are lions, tigers, cats or humans.
Mothers Are Patient
Mothers listen to us and put up with our shenanigans even when they are tired and wish we would settle down.
Mothers Have Enough Love For Every Sibling
Mothers have more than enough love to share with every sibling and they seem to know when one cub needs more attention and at the right time.
Mothers Teach Us How to Take Care Of Ourselves
Mothers teach us survival skills. We learn how to find water, food and shelter. They repeat by example day after day and hope that we learn and thrive.
Mothers Protect Us
Mothers protect us from the elements and will defend us to her death. Her love for us knows no bounds.
A Mother Gives Us Independence
Our mothers know we all need to become independent. They know how to let us gain confidence without putting us in harm’s way. And we like knowing they have our back…even if we don’t want to admit it.
Mothers Give the Best Hugs
No matter how rough a day we have, a mother’s hug can make it all seem better.
Some of us remember our mothers in our hearts today. Love lives on.
A special wish for all those who care for animals in shelters and rescues. Without your love and care these individuals would never find love in their forever homes. Without Donna and her team at Grayson County Humane Society, Annie and Eddie would not have survived and thrived to find their home with us.
Wishing you a Happy Mother’s Day! No matter what species a mother’s love has no end or definition. Love is love.
Happy Mother’s Day, Joanne!
Joining you in wishing a Happy Mother’s Day to all, especially all who advocate for cats in whatever ways they do so. *I have my own precious old photos of family members and their beloved cats, too. Isn’t it the best to be born into a CAT-LOVING family?* <3
I really loved that, Happy Mothers Day to all. Loved the picture
What a wonderful story! You could use this as a book as well! <3 Thank you & Happy Mother's Day! <3
Wonderful post and photos! Happy Mother’s Day to all moms!
loved this post! I loved seeing your great grandmother! The love of cats is in your genes 🙂 Happy Happy Fur Mom’s Day!
Thanks, Caren! I love that photo of my great grandmother too. Happy Fur Mom’s Day to you too!!!
Hahahaha, I just love that word ‘shenanigans’, makes me giggle. Thank you for such a sweet post – I lost my Mom a long time ago and miss her every day, Mother’s Day being one of the hardest. This post made me smile and get all teary eyed at the same time, which is a good thing. Hugs to Annie, Eddie, Mercy, and you, your husband, and his Mom, I hope today is a beautiful one for all of you. <3
Ann, we lost our mom 18 years ago and it still hurts. I understand. Sending you a big hug. Today we celebrate with Paul’s mom and of course, Annie, Eddie and Mercy.