Friends, I am so relieved when I survey my habitat surroundings and things are a little messy! When the yard, trees and shrubs are too tidy, I can’t help but worry. I worry because there are many creatures that live in the shrubs, grass and trees and when things are manicured and groomed too much, our small Friends lose their…
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The Tiniest Tiger Asks You to be Outspoken for Animals!
Purr it up for Janet Vandenabeele! Janet won the $300 Gracey’s Avon Gift Box Purr it up for Andrea Staten too! Andrea won the Outspoken by Fergie gift set! The winners were drawn by a random number generator! Friends! I want to ask you to ROAR! Toot your own horn! Or as our Friend Josie says, (and I am not…
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Breaking News from The Tiniest Tiger’s Habitat!
Friends, this is me, Gracey, The Tiniest Tiger with a full Code Red situation! As hard as this is to believe, my dad has let my chow bowl go empty. I don’t even have the energy to get my mom from the office. I am trying to reach Janell by telepathy. She is an EMT and this is definitely and…
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The Tiniest Tiger’s Lazy Leopard Look Alike Test
Friends, Lazy Leopard and I were checking up on our big cat cousins at Big Cat Rescue this morning. We got super excited when we saw that Big Cat Rescue posted a photo of their very own Lazy Leopard! Now let’s see if you can tell the difference between my Lazy Leopard and the Lazy Leopard that lives at Big…
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The Tiniest Tiger Calls Nature Expert about Fig Tree
Happy Friday Friends! Well, I am trying my best to accept my favorite chair as a substitute for my lovely fig tree but it is not working so great. My mom moved my chair over to where the fig tree used to live. I know that some of you, I won’t mention any names Corlyn, think that I had something…
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The Tiniest Tiger’s Drinking Water Crisis
Friends, my day started off a little rough. There was an issue with my drinking water. Sometime in the middle of the night, my primary water source became tainted. And no, not with fig tree dirt from my paws either. It was The Tiniest Tiger’s Drinking Water Crisis. My drinking water was not clean and fresh and I didn’t think…
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The Tiniest Tiger Asks, “Will You Think about Tigers Today?”
The Tiniest Tiger’s Winky Wion Toy! Worth the Wait!
Friends, I understand that my parents have a lot of different things to do to maintain our habitat. And I really do appreciate everything they do to keep me safe and comfortable, but yesterday, I would have appreciated them even more if they would have realized how important it was for them to open the mail for me! Can you…
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The Tiniest Tiger’s Big Cat Rescue Tile
Friends, We did it! Hurrah! We united our small paws to feed one of our big cousins at Big Cat Rescue! Look at the beautiful tile Big Cat Rescue made us to show their appreciation! We can all be proud that our Small Paws United to Make a Big Difference! It even has our name on the tile. Aren’t you…
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The Tiniest Tiger’s Tiger Imitation on..Thursday.
Friends, my latest Tiger Imitation might just be the hardest one yet. I got a little behind with the thunder and lightening around my habitat these last couple of days. But finally, it is The Tiniest Tiger Tuesday on Thursday this week. ~phew~ So, take a close look. Notice we both have stained pink noses, white chins and penetrating green…
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Big Cat Catnip!
[youtube][/youtube] Our Cousins at Big Cat Rescue relaxed a little and most enjoyed their catnip treat. Only one Big Cousin didn’t seem to interested. Do you know who? I couldn’t help but wish I could see Tony enjoying a treat at Big Cat Rescue too. Please sign the newest petition for him and keep him in your thoughts. Thank you…
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The Tiniest Tiger says ~Purr it up for our Parents Health~
Anniversary Contest Winners! Hurrah!!!
Good news – The beautiful bracelet is the August special! You can purchase a bracelet publishing credit from Lisa in August for only $29.95! That’s 10 bucks off! Go to and sign up for a FREE account. From there, you can send Lisa an e-mail to purchase a bracelet credit. Or you can e-mail Lisa directly at So…
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