Cat Whiskers Aid Navigation and Communication We cats are super curious. We like to investigate and explore unusual places and spaces. Many times cat parents try to restrict the movement of their feline friends but it seems that a cat’s curiosity only increases when they are denied access. You might have experienced this when a door is closed. We cats…
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Snow Leopard Video: First of Mother and Cubs in Dens
The Snow Leopard is Asia’s Mountain Ghost Snow Leopard video shares new insights. Snow leopards secretive and elusive nature combined with the precarious and remote landscape they inhabit have made conservation data collection efforts difficult. Even less is known about snow leopard cubs survival in the wild. The cat is so evasive it has been given the name “Asia’s Mountain…
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10 Reasons Your Cat Might Be Going Outside the Litter Box
Can We Talk about the Litter box? It is super important to meet your cat’s needs when it comes to the litter box. In many ways it is similar to what you expect from your own bathroom experience. Let me first emphasize that if there are changes in your cat’s bowel movements or urination, especially in frequency, or quantity please…
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The Story of Sikiria The End of a Lion Legend
The Story of Sikiria Last year we posted a survey about African lions and asked you to tell us which lion caught your eye and why. For those of you that participated in the survey, you might remember the short story of Sikiria that was part of the survey question. Here is the excerpt from the survey: The Lion Guardians…
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Gracey off the Grid. The Loudest Week of My Life!
The Super Storm was one of the worst in North American history! Fridays are usually one of my favorite days. But last Friday changed my opinion of Fridays. Shortly after my dad came home from work he started watching the weather radar on the television. My mom was watching the updates on her iPad and they both kept discussing that…
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Gracey is the Susan Lucci of the Petties! Vote for The Tiniest Tiger
The Tiniest Tiger is a finalist in the 2012 Petties Best Blog Post Category I am pleased to tell you that The Tiniest Tiger’s Conservation Cub Club is a finalist in the 2012 Petties!Our are up for Best Blog Post for our Cat Obituary, Farewell Eastern Cougar. We are honored to be nominated again this year in the Petties. I…
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Cat Artist Back by Popular Demand! Gracey’s Gallery is Open.
Welcome Friends to my art exhibit. I am Gracey, The Tiniest Tiger and the artist. When I unveiled by first painting, A Cat Artist’s Interpretation of an Amur Tiger, created on my iPad using Paint for Cats, I was overwhelmed by the compliments and offers to purchase my work. I appreciated your kind words and worked hard to create more works…
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Tiger Dad Watches Over Cubs
Mission: Small Business The Tiniest Tiger Fashion with a Passion.
Triple T Studios creates Fashion with a Passion. The Tiniest Tiger’s Triple T Studios designs handbags and accessories as stylish and adaptable as a cat. The Tiniest Tiger line has proprietary feline finesse quilted right into the fabric for a subtle yet cool cat appearance. These bags don’t scream Crazy Cat Lady but whisper I am a Cat Person. The…
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King Given Royal Tribute by Younger Lions
Even if crowned the king of the forest, a lion’s life is anything but pampered. In addition to loss of habitat, conflicts with humans, and being a target of trophy hunters, the male lion must defend his territory from younger lions on the prowl to establish their own kingdom. While the females hunt, the male sleeps because it is his…
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Cat is Young at Heart
Emily the cat is an Iams Play Young Stay Young Honorable Mention. Emily is a much loved member of her family. She hasn’t slowed down in the twelve years since she came to live in her forever home. As you can see in her photo below, she keeps a watch over the house to make sure she doesn’t miss any…
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Two Hydration Tests Your Cat Needs Now
Cats and Water: How Cats Drink Water
How Cats Drink Water : Cats are Water Wizards How do cats drink water? Water is essential to survival and land animals have evolved to meet their water needs in various ways. Some absorb water through the skin, some extract water from the moisture in their food but most animals rely on drinking water to stay hydrated. At first you…
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