Friends, I have had some time to prepare for my latest tiger imitation. This particular imitation took longer than usual due to the inaccessibility of the plants in my habitat. All of the snow and rain of late, made me long for sunny days when the grass is green and the trees have leaves. One thing led to another and…
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Bissell MVP Pet Photo Contest Week 9
Cats Continue To Rule!! Congratulations to Clover and Sugar Bear for taking the top two spots in Week 9! Calling all Cats! Here we go Week 9!
Save Our Big Cat Cousins
This morning I was a cat in a little bit of trouble when I threw a hissing fit about getting my blood glucose tested. Most days I just take getting my ear pricked in stride, but there are those days, and today was one of them, that I just didn’t feel like being tested. I admit that I behaved badly….
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The African Lion Hope through Protection
On March 1, 2011, an alliance of wildlife protection and conservation groups petitioned the Secretary of the Interior to list the African lion as an endangered subspecies pursuant to the United States Endangered Species Act (ESA). These groups included Born Free USA and Born Free Foundation, Defenders of Wildlife, The Fund for Animals, Humane Society International and The Humane Society of…
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Cat Obituary. Farewell Eastern Cougar
Cat Obituary. Farewell Eastern Cougar The Eastern Cougar, a subspecies of one of North America’s largest cats, was declared extinct by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) on March 2, 2011, after a very long and protracted review process. The USFWS gathered information on the elusive cat subspecies from both scientists and government authorities in the 21 states…
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Bissell MVP Pet Photo Contest Week 8
Congratulations to April’s Ruby for winning 1st Place in Week 8 of the contest! And Congratulations to Krysta L’s Pippin for Second Place. Super Hurrah!
Habitat Injustice!
Habitat Injustice Revisited! Who remembers when my dad decided that the sun room had an 8 pm curfew? Well he got a little lenient in the rule of late but now tonight for no particular reason, I heard the dreaded “clatch” sound when the lock is turned on my sun room door. AND it was only 7:30 pm. grrrrrr. So…
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The Last Lions
I had the honor of watching The Last Lions, An Incredible True Story of Survival from National Geographic Entertainment. National Geographic was so nice, they sent me a copy to watch here in my habitat. The film was made by Dereck and Beverly Joubert, award-winning filmmakers from Botswana, Africa. The Jouberts have been National Geographic explorers-in-residence for over four years….
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The Tiniest Tiger Stalks the Office Cactus
I am sitting waiting patiently, like a tiger, for the opportunity to pounce, I mean check on the condition of the office cactus. It might be in need of water you know. This type of plant, the Christmas cactus, is not a true cacti, but originates from the tropics. So we must be careful not to underwater this plant. This…
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Bissell MVP Pet Photo Contest Week 7 Go Cats!
SUPER HURRAH! TINY TIMMY WINS WEEK 7!!! and Congratulations to Bugsy too! Cats continue to RULE! Calling all Cats! Here we go Week 7 already!
The Tiniest Tiger Saving Face
Friends, do you recognize me? Do you think you would know my face anywhere? I mean, do you think that my face, Gracey, The Tiniest Tiger’s face, is one that you would know if you met me on the street? If I were lost ~shiver~, and I hope that never happens, do you think that you would know it…
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I am a Tiny Tiger! A Cat Needs to Scratch!
Friends, yesterday on our The Tiniest Tiger Facebook page I told you the beginning of my side of the story. Today I want to share with you the next part of the story which involves something I learned about Tigers and territory marking and trees. Now before any of you leap to a conclusion, not that type of territory marking…
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Bissell MVP Pet Photo War Room Week 6!
CATS Continue to Rule the Bissell MVP Pet Photo Contest! Super Hurrah and Congratulations to Kaye Brady’s Jerri and Amy E’s Grady for claiming the top two spots in Week 6! Calling all Cats! Here we go Week 6 already! We Cats have rulled the contest so far. But before we celebrate too extensively, let’s not forget we have 7…
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