Friends, even though the days of the week fall the same every single week, sometimes I lose track of them. So here it is Thursday already and I am just now posting my latest, greatest The Tiniest Tiger’s Tiger Tuesday Imitation. I am especially nervous about my newest imitation because last week’s imitation caught the attention of! is…
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~Alert~ Chow Code Unknown. I need your help.
Whoa! Friends, this is not something that I took into consideration when Bad Kitty and I crafted The Tiniest Tiger’s Chow Code Alert Chart. Quite frankly, one of my parents munching morsels of chow did not even enter our minds as a possibility. Yet here is my own dad caught suspiciously close to my chow and in an unusual position…
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Happy Sunday Friends!
Our Friend Straw Beary Stanley sent me this photo with the message “Sharing a cup of coffee and treat with my friend Gracey, The Tiniest Tiger.” This message and photo made me smile and feel warm all over. Thank you Straw Beary. Thank you everyone for being my Friend! Wishing you a peaceful restful day. Share
The Tiniest Tiger Tues…well ok Thursday!!
Happy Tue…well OK, it is Thursday. Have you ever had one of those weeks that just seemed to be half as long as other weeks? Here were are on Thursday and I feel like it should only be Tuesday. Do you think it is the heat and humidity? These dog days of summer can be rough on us Cats! Sorry…
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Can You Crack The Tiniest Tiger’s DaGracey Code
Friends! The mood music is working now! Hurrah!!!! Updated by me, Gracey, The Tiniest Tiger. Don’t forget to crack the DaGracey code for a chance to win a prize! Friends, I had picked out some really great spy music, but I could not get it to work. ~sigh~ I wanted to get keep our 1st Anniversary Celebration rolling. So maybe…
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The Pet Book Lady Rescues The Tiniest Tiger
Friends, it is our 1st Anniversary Celebration Week! I have games and contests planned for you to show my appreciation of our Friendship. And one of the special surprises is how you can win a Celebrate Your Pet in a Keepsake Bracelet. Here is the story of how Lisa Taron, The Pet Book Lady rescued me, Gracey The Tiniest Tiger….
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The Tiniest Tiger’s 1st Anniversary! Hurrah!
Friends, today marks the 1st Anniversary of The Tiniest Tiger’s Facebook Page! Thank you everyone for being my Friend! Get ready to pounce and play during our One Year Anniversary Celebration Week The Tiniest Tiger Plays Hide and Seek The Tiniest Tiger’s DaGracey Code The Tiniest Tiger’s Trivia Share
The Tiniest Tiger Asks You to Be The Change for Animals
“If you have men who will exclude any of God’s creatures from the shelter of compassion and pity, you will have men who will deal likewise with their fellow men” Francis of Assisi Today is Be the Change for Animals day! One day, once a quarter, Be the Change for Animals is asking bloggers to make a special post to…
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The Tiniest Tiger’s Chow Code Alert Chart
Friends, after the shocking photos were released from my habitat exposing my ~shiver~ empty chow bowl, many of you commented that your Cat feels the exact same anxiety as I do when the chow in their bowls reaches a dangerously low level. Just this morning, I ran out to check my chow level and look what I found. There was…
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The Tiniest Tiger Tuesday! Hanging out with Friends.
Friends, today you have double the trouble. Lazy Leopard and I are doing our best Tiger imitation duet. This one might be a little easier for you because Lazy Leopard’s disruptive pattern is so different than a Tiger’s. He is very proud of his spots and did not want to change to stripes. We cats can be stubborn. We hope…
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Hey Lazy Leopard, That’s my place to sit!
Friends, Lazy Leopard and I had a little argument today. He stole my place on the sun room sofa and I didn’t like that at all! Alright, stole is a bit harsh, but he did sit where I like to sit on the sofa to soak up the sunshine. Plus you can see better from the sofa than on the…
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The Tiniest Tiger’s Time Out.
Happy Sunday Friends! I want to wish all of you a day filled with tranquility and rest. Sometimes we need to take a time out, not only when we have behaved badly, but just to renew our spirit. The sun room sofa called me in for a time out today. Lazy Leopard and I have decided to make Liz-ard feel…
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