Google Circuses End Performing Lions and Tigers in the United Kingdom Big changes are underway under the Big Top in the United Kingdom. Traveling circuses have started their season but for the first time no circus will be entertaining the crowd with performing big cats. The Great British Circus was the last show to feature tigers doing tricks and they…
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Cats on the Hunt for New Scented Litter
World’s Best Cat Litter New Scented Formula Coming Soon! #WorldsBestMysteryLitter As a member of the World’s Best Cat Litter Catcovate Council, I know a secret. I am trying my best not to tease you but I just can’t seem to help myself. After months of research and testing, the newest scented litter is almost ready to make its debut on…
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“Will Kitty Play With It?” Win Your Own Home Version
A Game Show for Cats! We cats are super smart with minds of our own. You already know that we won’t just play on demand like our canine pals. So Friskies created a new Game Show for Cats called Will Kitty Play With It? Here is an episode from the show with our cousin Rosie. She is being put to…
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3 Reasons to Love and Celebrate Snakes!
The Year of the Snake! As the Lunar New Year begins, billions of humans are celebrating the year of the snake. But, if you ask your friends and family members, chances are they might shiver and declare their disgust and sometimes hatred of snakes. It is important to remember that most snakes are not venomous. And that snakes do not…
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Bossy Backyard Blue Jay in Winter
Bossy Backyard Blue Jay Members of our community are familiar with my buddy Bossy Backyard Blue Jay, but if you just joined us, I will give you a little background information. Bossy Backyard Blue Jay lives in my backyard and he gets his name from, well, let’s just say his name suits him. He talks a lot and he thinks…
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Cats and Aquariums Both Reduce Stress and Anxiety
What do cats and aquariums have in common? Aquariums reduce stress and anxiety Both cats and aquariums have been shown to reduce stress and anxiety in humans. That’s right, research concludes that aquariums have the ability to lower blood pressure, calm the nerves, and clear the mind. Aquariums create a soothing environment and are thought to have a hypnotic effect…
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Daily Kibble’s 26 Acts of Kindness to Share the Love
Ann Curry sparks 26 Acts of Kindness Movement Ann Curry, NBC News correspondent asked herself, after the tragic massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School, what she could do. And she thought performing 26 acts of kindness, one act for each child and teacher who lost their life that day, would be a small gesture to honor the victims. Ann then…
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Our Master of Zoology Graduation Celebration
Master of Zoology Graduation Celebration It was with mixed emotions that we celebrated our graduation from the Master of Zoology program at Miami University. Even though my mom and I spent many many hours in the office reading, thinking and writing, what we were learning was so super interesting it seems the time just flew by. Into the Field We…
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Cat Anatomy 101 The Cute Factor
Cat Anatomy Our friends at asked me if I would be interested in sharing this fun Cat Anatomy graphic with you. I thought you might like the graphic too and that we could chat for a moment about one of the fun facts. The graphic says the cat has the largest eyes of any mammal. I think we need to…
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Creative Comfort for Feral and Community Cats
Architects for Animals: Giving Shelter The third annual Architects for Animals: Giving Shelter is Thursday, January 10, 2013 from 6:00-8:00 p.m. in the Steelcase Showroom, 4 Columbus Circle in New York City. These past three years New York’s elite architectural designers have been coming to the rescue of the city’s feral cat colonies by creating innovative shelters to provide the…
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Bushblok Restores Habitat and Saves Cheetahs
Burning Bushes to Restore Habitat Land and Save Cheetahs. Most of us know our big cat cousins are struggling to survive in in the wild. You might even know that loss of habitat, human-wildlife conflict, loss of prey and poaching are among the biggest reasons the big cats are fighting for their lives. But did you know the loss of…
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The Tiniest Tiger’s Snow Adventure
Tiger cubs romping in the snow are super cute. And these Amur tiger cubs living at the Columbus Zoo & Aquarium are no exception. The cubs are six months old and weigh about ninety pounds and as you can see in the zoo’s video, they are happy as can be frolicking together around their habitat. Amur Tiger Cubs Snow Adventure…
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Reject Resolutions and Be Grateful Instead
Say Goodbye to New Year’s Resolutions! Happy 2014 too! We wrote this article at the end of 2011 but think it is worth changing the date and re-posting. We hope you do too. Happy New Year, Gracey and Joanne Goodbye 2012! As we say goodbye to 2012, why not also say goodbye to making New Year’s Resolutions for 2013? Let’s…
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