We have a total of 400 Meals for PurrEver Ranch! Please help us get to 500 today! Iams Premium Protection Senior Cat is committed to the well-being of cats and dogs and knows how important it is to keep pets healthy to live a long and happy life as members of the family. Just like Rita at PurrEver Ranch Sanctuary…
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Pouring Love on Cats at PurrEver Ranch
SUPER HURRAH! The Winners of our Pouring Love on Cat at PurrEver Ranch have been drawn using a random number generator. Congratulations to: VICTORIA TRAUBE – winner of a Prize box full of The Tiniest Tiger logo items, The Tiniest Tiger books, and Gracey’s Avon items worth $250.00! JUDY WARD- winner of the Bissell Corded Pet Hair Eraser with my photo…
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Last Lion or Tiniest Tiger?
I have been thinking about the film The Last Lions, An Incredible True Story of Survival from National Geographic Entertainment ever since I watched it for the first time. I was so moved by the film that I wrote a review here on our Conservation Cub Club. The film was made by Dereck and Beverly Joubert, award-winning filmmakers from Botswana,…
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Teddy’s Pride Oral Care for Cats!
Congratulations Janell Markey! You are the winner of the Teddy’s Pride Oral Care for Cat! You are now a Triple T Reporter too! I must admit that my breath is not the best. I can tell that I have Cat bad breath by the look on my parents’ faces when I let out a big yawn close to their noses….
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Cat blood glucose test is easy with illumavein
As a cat living with feline diabetes , my least favorite thing is the dreaded cat blood glucose test. Most days I am just not thrilled at all and then there are those days when I am just steaming mad, like in the photo below, and I hiss, and throw a fit when my mom tries to prick my ear to…
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Bissell MVP Pet Photo Contest Week 12
Super Hurrah! Congratulations to Kringle and NeeNee for winning the top two spots in Week 12 of the Bissell MVP Pet Photo Contest! CATS RULED ALL 12 WEEKS! We are the Champions! Congratulations to all the winners and participants in the 2011 Bissell MVP Pet Photo Contest. Calling all Cats! Here we go Week 12! We Cats have ruled the…
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Cats got Fleas? Shoo!TAG is the Solution!
Congratulations to Judy Simon and Glenda Bixler! You are the winners of the Shoo!TAG! You are now Triple T Reporters! We can’t wait to hear about your experience with the Shoo!TAG. When I learned about the Shoo!TAG at the Global Pet Expo I had to run and scratch on a sisal pole! My whiskers were twitching with excitement because…
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Allergic to your Cat? Pet CFL to the Rescue!
Congratulations to Janet Vandenabeele the winner of the Pet CFL “Change a lightbulb Change a life” Are you or a member of your family allergic to your cat? Do you have other allergies, asthma, or pet dander issues? Well, Purely Products new Pet CFL Air Purifier in a Lightbulb Controls Pet Dander and Odor! We were super excited to learn about…
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Bissell MVP Pet Photo Contest Week 11
CATS continue their domination. Will we win Week 12 too? Super Hurrah and Congratulations to Jody Bulter’s Earl Grey and Lena Stock’s Duke Thomas Peabody for taking the top two places in Week 11 of the Bissell MVP Pet Photo Contest.
My Dad is a Healthy Snackasaurus
Upon our return from the Global Pet Expo, my mom came down with a cold and we are not sure but maybe a touch of the flu. So she and I have been huddled together reading about Korean Pine Forests and the Amur Tiger. This is super interesting stuff, so we sometimes read for a few hours at a time…
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Bissell MVP Pet Photo Contest Week 10
Super Hurrah for Sugar and Tigger taking the top two spots in Week 10! Cats Continue to Rule! Calling all Cats! Here we go Week 10! We Cats have rulled the contest so far. But before we celebrate too extensively, let’s not forget we have 3 more weeks. I say let sleeping dogs lie, and let’s continue our winning streak!…
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Adopt the Internet day!
Congratulations to Fiona, our winner of The Tiniest Tiger Logo Canvas Bag! Super Hurrah! Thank you to everyone that participated in Petfinder’s Adopt the Internet Day! March 15 is Petfinder’s Adopt the Internet Day! So today a whole clowder of cat bloggers are going to join paws with stories about pet adoption and happy endings. And as if that isn’t…
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Tigers Need You!
The wild tiger’s shrinking numbers are due to habitat loss caused by human encroachment, poaching fueled by greed, and starvation from lack of prey. Wild tigers need plenty of room to roam and the tiger’s contiguous territory is shrinking. Human populations and economic expansion has led to the razing of tiger habitats for plantations, mines and other agriculture. Over development by…
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