Petcurean Helps Feed Cats at PurrEver Ranch Sanctuary In May, the same weekend that we lost Gracey, we won the Best Facebook Award in the 2013 BlogPaws Nose-to-Nose Pet Blogging and Social Media Awards. Pets Add Life, Natural Balance Pet Foods and Petcurean, were the official sponsors of the awards. Pets Add Life provided the after party food and…
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Cat Seeks Advice on How To Survive Living With Kittens
How Does a Cat Survive Living With Kittens? Maggie is doing her best to acclimate. Some days are better than others for her as is to be expected. A new home, mending her broken heart from losing Marie, new humans and kittens too is a lot of adjusting for any cat. She has made progress since her days of hiding…
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Cat Turf Wars Battle for the Top of the Cat Power Tower
The Battle for the Top of the Cat Power Tower Annie and Eddie have a lot of fun playing together. Running, playing tag, chasing the red dot and more recently the battle for the top of the Cat Power Tower. Eddie has been the
Hill’s Ideal Balance Cat Food Created From Consumer Input
This is a sponsored post; we have been compensated by Hill’s Pet Nutrition. Hill’s Pet Nutrition is not responsible for the content of this article. Hill’s® Ideal Balance™ natural cat food provides balanced nutrition Most of my working life has been in the product development and marketing of food for humans. And as I am sure you are aware,…
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Vote for The Tiniest Tiger’s Snow Adventure in The Friskies
Vote for The Tiniest Tiger’s Snow Adventure in The Friskies Voting is open now and our video The Tiniest Tiger’s Snow Adventure is a Semi-Finalist! From the thousands of cat videos entered this year, Friskies and the contest judges selected 20 Semi-Finalists to compete for a spot as one of 12 Finalists. The top four Category winners and one Fan…
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Lion Guardians Great Video About Successfully Saving Lions
Lion Guardians Promotes Coexistence between People and Lions One of my favorite organizations is the Lion Guardians. This community based conservation program is bringing hope for the survival of the African Lion. I hope you will take time to watch the amazing video that was created to help bring more awareness and support for this amazing project. The Lion Guardians…
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Ear Mites in Cats How You Know and What To Do
Dr. Lorie Huston Talks To Us About Ear Mites in Cats While getting treatment for Annie’s ear mites from our local veterinarians, I wondered if you might be curious about what to look for and what to do if your cat becomes infected with these troublesome parasites. This is the first time we have experienced ear mites in cats so…
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Global Tiger Day ONE Thing You Can Do to Save our Big Cats
Tigers Today on Global Tiger Day The Tiger (Panthera tigris) is our world’s largest cat and is also the cat most threatened with extinction. Just 100 years ago, there were as many as 100,000 wild tigers living in Asia but today fewer than 3,200 remain. We have already lost three of the subspecies to extinction in the last 80 years;…
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New Cat In the Home Acclimating Maggie
Acclimating Maggie, Marie’s Cat into our Home Maggie came into our lives after we lost our dear friend and neighbor Marie. We had just adopted Annie and Eddie and were still trying to get two kittens adjusted to their new home when we brought Maggie home. Maggie is only four years old so we hoped being around the kittens wouldn’t…
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Big Cats and Public Safety Protection Act
Who Will Provide a Home for your Cat? Do You Have a Plan?
Who Will Provide a Home for your Cat? Do you have a plan in place in case something happens and you are no longer able to provide for your cats? We became Maggie’s godparents for Marie and we took that promise to heart. Even though we had hoped Maggie and Marie would live many more years together it was not…
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Welcome Maggie. Our Hearts Will Heal Together
Our Friend and Neighbor Marie Our neighbor Marie was a wonderful person, so full of warmth and laughter. She was always happy to see me and I was always happy to see her too. She had the kind of smile that warmed your heart the moment you saw her. You always felt better after chatting with Marie. Years ago when…
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