My mom and I had the privilege of talking tiger with Jackson Galaxy, the Cat Behaviorist and the Host of the Animal Planet series, My Cat From Hell. Jackson’s love for cats goes back to his childhood days when he was enamored of the big cats. Who doesn’t admire the strength and stealth of the tiger as well as the…
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Maasai Change Brings Hope for the African Lion
Happy New Year! In 2011, we threw out making resolutions and decided that in 2012 we wanted to focus on gratitude. One of the things we are grateful for are stories of positive change, of hope and of a spirit that remind each and every one of us that changes, however small can and do make a difference. The Maasai…
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Out with New Year’s Resolutions! In with Gratitude!
My mom and I spent some time reading together and what we learned was that we are not going to make any New Year’s Resolutions for 2012, but rather we are going to make a list of all the things for which we are grateful.
Watching for Santa
A Cat Christmas Toast!
It is Christmas Eve and my habitat is decorated and ready. Christmas cookies have been baked and our traditional English Muffin bread has been baked. This bread is super tasty because when it is toasted, the butter melts down into all the nooks and crannies and the smell makes my nose do things that I know I shouldn’t do!
The Most Important Gift for Cats and Cat Parents.
At the start of this Holiday Season, our good friend Michele from Pet News and Views, told me about a book that she really likes , The Gift of Nothing by Patrick McDonnell. During all the hustle and bustle of the season including the shopping, the lights, the glitz and the glitter, I thought often about The Gift of Nothing. Now…
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Cat Safety Check for a Happy Healthy Holiday Season.
A cat is said to have nine lives, and the reason according to Brewer’s Dictionary of Phrase & Fable is that cats are “more tenacious of life than many animals, because a cat generally lights upon its feet without injury.” Even if we cats are tenacious, we are vulnerable during the holiday season when decorations are placed, plants arrive…
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Cat Safety Around Holiday Plants!
It is the most wonderful time of the year for treats, celebrations and decorations. And the decorations might include holiday flowers and plants. I must admit that I have a special fondness for plants, especially the dirt in which they are planted. I love to throw the dirt out of the pot onto the floor. I don’t know why, I just…
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The Tiniest Tiger’s Ancestor’s First Thanksgiving
We Cats have been co-existing with humans for thousands of years. I use the word co-existing because I think it is a much more accurate description of the feline-human relationship than the word domesticated. Domesticated is a terrific description for dogs, but not for cats. Over a relatively short period of time, our ancestors the African wildcats, were able to…
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An Ordinary Toad’s Extraordinary Night Special Offer
A Special Offer to Friends of The Tiniest Tiger An Ordinary Toad’s Extraordinary Night! Written by Joanne L. McGonagle Illustrations by Rachael MaHaffey Hopping into a habitat near you in December, 2011
Hill’s Prescription Diet z/d Feline Low Allergen
The chow I chomp is Hill’s Prescription Diet®, z/d® Feline Low Allergen formula. I began eating z/d because I used to break out in hives and lose my fur. After some testing, it was determined that I was allergic to some of the protein in my food. Here is why this prescribed chow helped me. The Hill’s Prescription Diet® z/d® is formulated with: Hill’s Hydrolyzed…
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Clicker Training Your Pet Parents.
Lately I have been hearing a lot about this clicker training. It seems that if you can get your parent to use a small plastic device that makes a clicking sound when pressed, you might be able to train your parents to give you a treat. This sounded fascinating to me. My parents seem pretty smart, so I thought I…
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Nutrigenomics. Holy Cat! You Really Are What You Eat!
Nutrigenomics is a field of study that combines nutrition and genetics with the goal of using nutrition to prevent chronic diseases. Scientists completed the mapping of the human genome in 2003, and have since discovered that what you eat can influence your genes! The link between food and health is well documented but people still struggle to find the right…
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